Round 9 - Chapter 5 - A "Nice" Rest Indeed

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Weiss Fanart By: fuzzyfox0 On DeviantArt

Published On: August 18, 2021


I take Weiss's hand and pull her onto my lap, the ship's door closing as Weiss reached out helplessly.

Y/N: "You can just change here on the ship."

Weiss: "But I didn't even get to pack any clothing, or anything else..."

Y/N: "Neither did I, but I'm sure we'll get it all figured out once we arrive."

Weiss sighs and nods, she pulls out her scroll and goes to her contact list.

Weiss: "I'm going to tell our friends and my teammates what's going on."

Her scroll goes flying into the wall as Siliva suddenly stands in front of us, hand still outstretched from punting the device.

Siliva: "You can't do that! we don't want a potential security leak!"

Weiss: "My scroll!" She yells out as she scrambles off my lap and sprints to her scroll.

Siliva: "...Anyways...I came to just quickly tell you two that the flight is going to take a bit so you'll better get comfy, the ship has beds and plenty of pillows and blankets." She says as she presses a button on the wall and a really big and comfy looking bed folds out of the wall in the back.

Y/N: "Sounds good."

Siliva just goes back into the cockpit while Weiss was huddled over her scroll, stroking the device like a cat.

Weiss: "Thankfully I bought a reinforced model." She whispers.

Y/N: "...Uh...Weiss?"

Weiss: "Huh! what?" She asks as she was completely in her own world.

Y/N: "The trip is going to take a time!" I say as I point to the bed.

We both instantly go the bed and take our shoes off before snuggling up to each other under a mountain of pillows and blankets, already prepared to go to sleep again.

Happily, I get deeper into Weiss's embrace as I let a content sigh out, Weiss's playing with my hair, slowly lulling me into a deep sleep...

I was standing next to a cozy-looking house, inside a lovely backyard. The house and yard didn't look big or fancy, just a nice place to live that apparently was in the countryside by the looks of it, no other houses or roads close by.

Weiss: "Sweetie!!! breakfast is done!!" I hear her yell from the house.

I walk in through the back sliding door, following some noises I heard till I was in the kitchen. The table was already prepared with two plates of eggs and bacon waiting, Weiss was standing by the sink, filling up a canister with orange juice.

Y/N: "Morning" I said, uncertain of what was happening.

Weiss: "Oh good morning sweetie!" She says happily as she turns around to greet me with a hug and kiss.

Though I didn't know where I was or what was even happening I couldn't resist a hug and kiss from my Weiss, hell would freeze over before I'll ever refuse that!

Weiss: "Hope you slept well!" She says as she turns around again to continue filling up the canister.

Y/N: "Y-Yeah I...did..." I said as I quickly lost my train of thought.

The reason why was right in front of me, I've noticed that underneath her apron Weiss wasn't wearing anything, Her ass was right there for me to see, my sight glued squarely on that.

Weiss: "Well let's eat then!" She says cheerfully as she walked to the table with the orange juice and poured both of us a glass.

Y/N: "Y-Yeah" I quickly stammer as I pretend that I wasn't just checking her out.

As we ate I looked around the room to maybe gain a better understanding of the situation, the place is certainly well furnished. My gaze stopped when I saw Weiss's transport case for Myrtenaster leaned up against the wall, inside was Dealmaker, but that sword belonged to-

Weiss: "Want to go to the park today?" She asked cheerfully.

Y/N: "Uh...yeah, we can do that." I said as I was terrified on the inside.

I looked around the room some more, now much more on edge. My eyes widened when I laid gaze on some photos placed on a short, short table in the corner. That isn't her car, we never had a date there, that doesn't fit with Weiss but with-

Weiss: "It can't be helped Y/N..." She says as she looks at me.

She just stands there unmoving, still as a statue. I back up in horror when I noticed her hair slowly turning red, the color going down from the roots towards the tips.

Weiss: "It can't be helped Y/N..." She says again as she suddenly stands right in front of me.

Her eyes were brown now, looking right at me. I couldn't back up any further, I was up against the wall of the room.

I touch my neck as I wake up, phantom feelings of the past plaguing me. The ship had to have landed already as the engines couldn't be heard anymore, it being seemingly night as all the lights were out. Luckily I didn't shoot up or else I would've woken Weiss up, she was cuddled up to my right side tightly. I couldn't help but stroke her hair a bit, she smiled in her sleep and burrowed her head slightly deeper into my chest.

But even with Weiss's cuteness I was still not calming down, my mind going a million miles a minute. Maybe I should leave the ship for a second so that I can calm down outside without potentially waking Weiss, my mind still racing...

Today's Choice:

1. Get Out Of Bed And Calm Down Outside The Ship

2. Stay In Bed

3. Go To The Bathroom To Relax

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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