Round 7 - Chapter 3 - Deciding Factors

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Vernal Fanart By: UrsaJr On DeviantArt

Published On: June 26, 2021


Y/N: "Sorry girls, but I'm really tired, so I'm gonna go back to my dorm." I say making all of them pout.

RWBY: "Awwww"

Y/N: "We can always hang out some other time." I say as I stand up.

Ruby: "...Okay." She said sadly.

Y/N: "See ya guys." I say as I walk off and give them a wave.

It was a real struggle to stay awake while I was walking through Vale, the few minutes on the bullhead to Beacon were even worst, I had to force myself to get up again once we arrived. I couldn't be happier when I finally reached my dorm door, when I stepped inside I saw that Kelly was still awake.

Y/N: "I'm surprised you're still awake." I whispered as I pulled off my shoes and undressed.

Kelly: "I couldn't sleep before you came back, I was worried." She whispered back.

Y/N: "Don't worry, I'm okay, only tired." I saw as I sit on her bed and hug her.

During the hug, she pulls me down onto the bed, too tired and comfortable to get up again I simply pull the blanket over both of us and cuddle up to her.

Y/N: "Good night."

Kelly: "Good night."

Right as I was falling asleep I could feel Kelly repositioning my head to be on her breasts, which made everything better...


I was taken out of my sleep when I felt something going on downstairs, when I raise the blanket and look down I see that it's Brooke giving me a morning blowy.

Brooke: "What? do you think I'm going to let you out of this bed before we do it? not after you left us for Team RWBY yesterday I will!" She said before going right back to my cock.

Kelly meanwhile was still cuddled up to me and was feeling me up, all while I could feel Sandra's hungry gaze on me.

I knew what was coming considering the many times we have done it before, but I didn't think they'll be this intense about it after not doing it for one day.

This was going to be a long morning...


I limped into the bathroom after the girls rocked my world, not that I was complaining. Note to self: never make the girls wait again...or maybe DO make them wait so that they are even more intense...

Looking in the mirror I was covered in love bites, not that I cared if anyone else saw them while I was out and about. Anyone who sees them can be as jealous as they want, I don't care.

Sandra: "Y/N, there's someone here to see you!" She calls out.

Y/N: "Yes?" I ask as I walk out of the bathroom.

I stop in my tracks as I see who it is, Vernal is standing in the doorframe and just motions me to follow with her finger.

Vernal: "We need to talk..."

I get my jacket and follow her out the door, I turn to Sandra before closing the door.

Y/N: "I'll be back in a few minutes." I say before giving Sandra a kiss on the forehead.

We spend the next few minutes in silence as we walk out of the dormitories and to a quiet and more remote place on the corners of Beacon's grounds, all the while Vernal glances around to see if anyone might spot her or worst, recognize that she isn't a student.

Y/N: "So what do you have for me today?" I ask as we both stop under a tree.

Vernal: "I was sent to tell you that we are ready, we can strike when the time comes."

Y/N: "...And is that all?"

Vernal: "...Yes."

Y/N: "Could've just told me via scroll and spared yourself the trouble."

Vernal: "Confidentiality and all that, you know?"

Y/N: "...Huh...well I do appreciate you coming all this way just to tell me that, I haven't seen you in a bit."

Vernal: "I was gonna talk with you last evening, but your team said you were busy...and they didn't seem very happy about it either."

Y/N: "Yeah I was hanging out with some people."

Vernal: "Look at you Mr. Popular." She says as she bumps my shoulder.

Y/N: "Huh? I'm not popular or really known around Beacon."

Vernal: "Yeah but Team RWBY is practically eating out of your hand and following you everywhere."

Y/N: "You're not wrong..."

Vernal: "It's gonna be fun to get rid of them when the time comes, or do you have a plan to get them out of the picture early?"

Y/N: "When we were first making our way to Beacon I was thinking of just turning them all against each other, but..."

Vernal looks at me confused, questioning the pause...

Today's Choice:

1. Turn Them All Against Each Other

2. Kill Them When They Get In The Way

3. Try To Get The Girls To Join You

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

RWBY Females X Male Reader: Choose Your Own AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now