Round 2 - Chapter 4 - Trouble At The Festival

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Ruby Fanart By: anonamos701 On DeviantArt

Published On: March 22, 2021


I decide to try and find Ruby, she shouldn't be leaving just like that. I wish I would've asked for her scroll number, but I forgot with everything that happened. I crank the engine of the RS4, with a roar it comes to life, I rip it out of there and quickly race to the Festival Grounds in hopes she's there. When I park in her tent I didn't see her, I checked in the sleeping tent but she wasn't there either.

I ask and look around the festival grounds, no matter who I ask they hadn't seen her. I also asked Keira and Rebecca but they hadn't seen her either, they were focused on some technical difficulties they were apparently having. They did however give the location of a car club where Ruby has some friends, they said it isn't uncommon for her to be found there.

When I drove over there I was met with A LOT of Minis, the most I had ever seen at once in my life. I asked around the club but they told me that Ruby hasn't visited them the last few days and she wasn't planning on coming, not till a club meeting at a local pub at the end of the week.

Disappointed I get back into the RS4, I was so focused on searching for her that I hadn't even noticed how much time passed. By now it was pretty late and so I decide to drive back to the festival grounds, hopefully, Ruby would be there by now.

As I drive back to the festival grounds fog covers the area, but as I got ever closer I realized that it wasn't fog, it was smoke. As I came over the hill I saw that it was coming from the festival grounds, I stepped on the gas and raced down there, as I entered the grounds I could see that the center hall building was on fire, it was absolutely engulfed in flames. As I parked at Ruby's tent I could see her amongst the people watching the situation unfold, I quickly jogged over to her.

Y/N: "Where the fuck were you? I've been searching for you all over!"

Ruby: "Sorry, I really didn't want to leave this morning, the police had called me and requested my presence at a police station a few towns over."

Y/N: "What for?"

Ruby: "My sister and her stupid behavior have gotten herself into deep shit again, she had requested for a visit from me while at the jail there."

Y/N: "So were you able to get everything squared away?" I asked curiously.

Ruby: "Nope, I'm not bailing her out, I'm never helping her again, I did that enough times before." She replied.

Y/N: "Soooo, what happened there?" I asked pointing to the burning center hall.

Ruby: "Arson"

Y/N: "FUCKING WHAT?? how do they know that already if the fire hasn't even been put out yet and the debris investigated?"

Ruby: "sighs When I came back Keira asked me to help since they were having electrical troubles at the center hall and I'm good at that sort of thing, some masked fucker started a fire, thankfully we all got out before it was too late."

I didn't say anything, I just hugged her tightly, picking her up from the ground. I couldn't stand the thought that she could've died today, I may not have known her for that long, but I deeply care for her.


Drained after the crazy day Its been I lay down in the sleeping tent ready to sleep, I get out my scroll and watch the news. They report on the fire just like I would've expected, they featured an interview with Keira, she explained to the news reporter how the first race was delayed now.

News: "In other news, a body has been found at the beach after a couple stumbled upon it. The police haven't yet figured out all the details, what they do already know is that she was murdered. The victim's name was Rosanne Zaber, the police are yet to figure out what she was doing at the beach at the time of her death."

My blood ran cold when they showed an image of her, that was the shy girl from my first day. Only now did I realize who's car in the woods that was, it was her car, that was her blood...

Ruby: "Something wrong?" She asked as she entered the tent.

Y/N: "N-No, just tired..." I said turning my scroll off.

Ruby undressed and cuddled up to me under the covers, I'm surprised at how quickly I got used to her sleeping nude. I hug Ruby tightly as I try and get some sleep, hopefully, that'll take my mind off all this mess.

Ruby: "By the way, tomorrow is another street race, you in?"

Y/N: "I thought we already agreed I was competing."

Ruby: "I'm just asking since I didn't know if you would do what some of the other street racers did and drop out due to all the craziness from today."

Today's Choice:

1. Compete In The Race

2. Do Not Compete In The Race

3. Have Ruby Drive The RS4 Instead

AN: Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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