Chapter 98.2

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Editor: Casey

Rong Jue knew that Shizun detested uncultured people the most, so he selected soldiers that were of decent character and appearance as quickly as possible.

They were dressed in all black armour with spears in hand. There was a cold and solemn look in their eyes as they stood guard, causing many Chi Yun Sect disciples to gather quietly and watch them.

Many of the disciples had never been out of the sect for training before. Everything they knew about the demon realm, they had heard from someone else.

Apparently, some demonic cultivators in the demon realm were once mortals, and some were born as demons. The few remainders were like Rong Jue, former immortal cultivators that degenerated into demonic practices.

Of course, he was the only one who immediately wiped the floor with the entire demon realm after becoming a demonic cultivator.

According to the rumours in the cultivation world, demonic cultivators were all unkempt, smelly, sketchy, and obviously evil characters.

But the demon army in front of them was clearly well-trained and resolute.

Because they knew that the demon realm and the cultivation world were going to ally soon, some of the younger disciples of Chi Yun Sect weren't that wary of the demonic cultivators. One of them boldly stepped forward and quietly asked the most decent looking personal guard a question.

"Um...big brother, I heard that Rong-shixiong-no no, Demon Lord-daren just entered the demon realm a week ago. Why do you all seem so, so reverent towards him?"

What could possibly inspire such respect in that short amount of time?

Although Rong-shixiong was a very charming individual, it's only been a week...

The demon soldier: "...Everyone who wasn't reverent towards His Lordship is dead."

That disciple: "......"

He froze for a long time before he laughed dryly, "Then, then it seems that Demon Lord-daren likes it when other people revere him. Many of us here at Chi Yun sect looked up to him when he was here."

The demon soldier gave the silly disciple in front of him a sullen look. "You, admire His Lordship? If an ugly person dared to admire His Lordship, he would have been killed on the spot. So why are you still alive?"

That disciple: "????"

"A-are you saying I'm ugly..? Wait, why would you die if you're ugly?"

The demon soldier: "His Lordship said it was because they had sinned too much and abused too many people in the mortal realm previously..."

"But when I look at the way His Lordship regards them, it's clear that he dislikes their ugly looks."

Saying that, he looked that disciple up and down and added, "Someone as ugly as you would die too if you were there."

That disciple: "......"

That disciple: "Then, then how did Demon Lord-daren conquer the demon realm in just seven days? Isn't that too short?"

The demon Soldier: "Fine, I'll tell you because you aren't as good-looking as me."

In a monotone voice, he recounted the events like he was dead inside.

"His Lordship entered from the demon realm's southern border and fought all the way to the north. He said that he was in a hurry, so he targeted the subordinates of the demon ruler zhenrens on the cultivation world's wanted list first. He killed his way up the chain of command then."

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