Chapter 79

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Editor: SimoB

The golden dragon's roar echoed across the ocean.

- "I'll eat you!"

- "Eat you!"

- "You!"

However, most people couldn't understand his proclamation.

To be precise, humans couldn't understand what he said because this kind of sound just made their ears ring.

It was only when the golden dragon was satisfied with his warning to the surrounding creatures that he returned to the sea where his little pearl was waiting.

The humans on the island were all on their knees, unable to even crawl by then.

Especially after that final roar. The whole island shook as if there was an earthquake, and even the coconuts on the trees fell down.

Only after waiting for a while did the group struggle to their feet and help each other up.

"Boss, what the hell was that?! Hiss, my ears hurt."

"Speak louder! I can't hear you!!"

"I said my ears hurt!!!"

Zeng Nan didn't participate in these trivial conversations. All of her attention was focused on the sea.

One of her subordinates got up shakily and asked her, "Boss, what should we do now? Will we go out to sea again?"

Zeng Nan: "Let's fish in shallow waters first without venturing too far out. Judging by the size of that thing it shouldn't come too close to the shore."

But the fishes seemed to know that humans no longer possessed high-tech equipment after the apocalypse. Now fishing in shallow waters was like finding a needle in a haystack.

If you wanted to fill your stomach, you had to go to the deep sea.

There was something else on Zeng Nan's mind. Did that mermaid know that these kinds of beasts lived in the deep sea?

If he knew, then how did he survive up until now?

To be honest, although Zeng Nan has always been wary of the mermaid, she couldn't understand why he chose to act like a weak and naive person despite being powerful enough to survive underwater.

Wasn't his act a little too obvious?

This was the ocean they were talking about. It was a territory that even humans did not dare to tread too deeply before they lost their advantage.

Zeng Nan couldn't believe that something as harmless as that mermaid pretended to be could survive in there.

But she didn't understand why the mermaid acted like that while approaching her either.

Of course, what Zeng Nan didn't know was that sirens all had a twisted nature and liked to toy with humans. She was just lucky enough to run into a fledgling siren that lacked experience.

In any case, it was more reassuring to be with a mermaid who was at least willing to communicate versus that fearsome behemoth who just popped out and attacked them with sonic waves for no reason.

She was almost hoping for the next strange creature she met from the sea to be that mermaid again.

Anyone was better than that giant beast.

[Ding! Zeng Nan's animosity value: 97]

When he received the notification, Shi Qing was diving down with the golden dragon.

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