Chapter 64.1

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Editor: SimoB

Shi Yiyi was livid, but Shi Qing added fuel to the fire by kindly passing her all the shredded paper. His fox demon like face, which was more beautiful than a girl's, was really asking for a knuckle sandwich.

"Eat up, dear cousin. No need to thank me~"

When Shi Yiyi didn't move, the young Marquis smiled sweetly, "Do you think that this is too plain? Why don't I cut out some flowers for you?"

Shi Yiyi threw her hands up. Her hatred only intensified when she realized that everyone was staring at her.

She gritted her teeth, pushed Shi Qing away and stormed off.

Shi Qing yelled after her wickedly, "Don't worry, if you don't have time now I'll put it aside in the break room for you! There's enough to last you a few days!"

The young Marquis waited until he heard Shi Yiyi slam the door on her way out before dropping the papers in his hands. Looking back at the people who were staring at him, his rude demeanor returned.

"What are you all looking at? Don't you have anything better to do?!"

The group of onlookers lowered their heads and pretended to be busy. Only Tan Mingyi, who was captivated by the research, ignored Shi Qing's aloof appearance and approached him joyfully.

"Shi-ge, are you free right now? I wanted to talk to you some more. Did you eat dinner yet? Are you hungry now? I haven't eaten much either, so let's go to dinner together and talk while we eat."

Then he casually reached for Shi Qing's hand. As soon as he touched Shi Qing's arm, the arrogant look on the young Marquis's face that said, "I'm very proud but I'm a nobleman so I should maintain my noble bearing", changed.


He covered his arm warily and took several steps backwards, his face suddenly growing vicious again.

"Who told you you could touch me!?"

The look of excitement on Tan Mingyi's face morphed into confusion. He stammered out an explanation at the person who lashed out at him.

"Sorry Shi-ge, I didn't do it on purpose."

"What use are the police if saying sorry was enough?!"

The young Marquis' fierce attitude succeeded in making Tan Mingyi's originally bubbly mood fizzle out.

He looked somewhat downcast. "I'm sorry Shi-ge. I won't do it again."

From the side, Qin Yunsheng could clearly see that all eyes in the room were gathering on Shi Qing again.

Their attitudes towards Shi Qing had changed because of the confrontation, but now they seemed to have reverted to their usual expressions of disgust.

One person spoke up for Tan Mingyi, "Professor Shi, Xiao Tan just touched you slightly. He won't do it again, so why hold it against him?"

Apparently he thought that Shi Qing just didn't like to be touched.

Shi Qing chuckled and didn't even bother looking at the guy, much less correcting his assumption. He just lifted his chin proudly, turned around and strode towards the door.

As the young Marquis passed by Qin Yunsheng, perhaps because the pain in his arm reminded him of the recent incident, he glared viciously at the officer who was ordered to protect him. As if he didn't learn his lesson, he purposefully hit him with his left arm.

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