Chapter 76

442 24 16

Editor: SimoB

Shi Qing had to retreat a good distance before he could take in the entirety of the behemoth before him.

If he had to describe it...

The d*** that was as tall as a building was actually nestled against its abdomen, but he mistook the abdomen for an iceberg when close to it. Only now did he realize the true size of this beast.

That made sense, considering its d*** was the size of a building.

The siren waved his beautiful silver tail as he came closer towards the beast's beard.

Its body was very long. Shi Qing noticed as he got closer that the beast had long strands of fur all over as well. The golden strands drifted about in the dark seawater.

The sea had no lack of tiny creatures in constant motion, but there was not a single little fish to be found near the behemoth.

Even its temptingly waving beard was left undisturbed. Apparently, the other denizens of the deep didn't have a death wish like the siren.

It took nearly half an hour for Shi Qing to circle around for a good look.

The creature covered in flawless golden scales had four beautiful and razor sharp claws. It had long whiskers and a beard coming from its head. Although it was motionless with tightly closed eyes, it still radiated an aura of great strength.

This was apparent from the deathly silence permeating from it ten miles in every direction.

Even if it was asleep, it still wasn't to be underestimated.

Shi Qing swam along its long tail for a while, but he turned in the opposite direction when he grew tired. Waving his beautiful tail, he came face to face with it.

Well, considering the substantial size difference, it was more apt to say his entire body faced the behemoth's closed eyes.

Shi Qing concluded, [It's a dragon, and a golden one at that.]

This was the System's first time seeing a dragon too. It curiously emerged: [It's so big.]

Shi Qing thought of the place wrapped in golden scales that was like a building. His tone grew distant.

[It really is...big.]

System: [......]

Wuwuwuwu it understood again.

System: [Host, what do we do now? It's about to wake up but you can't beat it.]

Even if Shi Qing was a siren, it would still be hard for him to deal with such a large creature.

Shi Qin already considered that. [You're right, I won't be able to defeat it.]

The System wracked its brain for a way to help the Host. It had an idea. [How about this? We return its pearl before it wakes up. Then it won't come after us.]

The pretty mermaid spun around in the sea as he reminded his System of their goal. [This big fat dragon isn't the protagonist of this world. We're supposed to be lowering the animosity value of that woman.]

System: [But the protagonist isn't very trusting towards sirens at this stage...]

It suddenly paused.

System: [...Zeng Nan's animosity value: 100/100???]

Wasn't the protagonist supposed to be charmed by the siren? Why was it this high??

The Whole World Knows I'm a Good Person [Quick Wear] (Yaoi) Book 1 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now