Chapter 32

892 33 32

Editor: SimoB

Jing Yuanqi shot into the hospital like a rocket, leaving sparks in his wake.

His legs were long and toned so he was still as quick as lightning even when holding a person in his arms. There was a dark expression on his face.

Thank goodness the hospital was sparsely populated right now, otherwise, the phrase 'Film Emperor being Princess Carried by Upcoming Star' would top the search charts.

The nurse-xiaojiejie who was tidying up the room jumped as the door was kicked open with a bang.

She spun around in surprise and stared blankly at the angry young man who stalked in with Shi Qing in his arms: "Mr. Jing? Mr. Shi?"

Wasn't the discharge paperwork completed already?

Also, if she remembered correctly, hadn't Mr. Shi hurt his back? Why was he being carried back?

Although Jing Yuanqi was insanely pissed off, some vestiges of his rationality remained. He forced himself to take a deep breath. With a stiff voice, he said: "I'm sorry. I think I left something behind."

"Oh I see. Then you can search for it first. Let me know when you're done."

The nurse-xiaojiejie left.

As soon as it was just the two of them, the anger on Jing Yuanqi's face could no longer be restrained.

He wanted to throw the person in his arms onto the bed, but a second later remembered that he had hurt his back.

He could only restrain himself again and gently lower the person onto the bed.

"Tell me right now. What's going on with you and Chen Rong?"

Shi Qing frowned and sat upright on the bed: "I haven't even asked you what's going on with you and A-Rong. Are you with him? Does he know what kind of person you are?"

"What kind of person am I!??!"

Jing Yuanqi had completely lost the confidence he had gained from his previous victory. He exploded: "What, you think I'm completely different from that stepbrother of yours now that you've seen who I truly am? You want to break up with me now?"

The frown on the film emperor's face became even more severe. His eyes were deadly serious as they stared into Jing Yuanqi's: "Don't even try to change the topic. What happened between you and A-Rong?"

"Me and him? Me and him?!! More like you and him!!!"

Jing Yuanqi was like an aggravated cat on a furious rampage. His fur would be standing on end - if he had any.

After two angry circuits around the room, he whipped around to face Shi Qing. His finger was shaking as he jabbed it in Shi Qing's direction.

"What was that look in your eyes when you stared at him?? Why did you say those words to him?!! He's your brother!! He's legally your brother!!! Did you somehow forget that?!!!"

It was like he was stabbed in the heart. Embarrassment leaked onto the usually indifferent face of the film emperor. He lowered his eyes and said softly: "We aren't related by blood. Besides, I was just thinking......"

"Fuck thinking! You're not allowed to even think about it!"

Jing Yuanqi was so furious he was gasping for air. In order to not have an aneurysm, he could only pace around the room.

The young man took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. "The only reason you liked Cui Yunqing's eyebrows was because they reminded you of Chen Rong. The only reason you like to see me smile is because I smile like that motherfucker Chen Rong-"

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