Chapter 92

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Editor: Sahloknir

What's it like to have a demon lord disciple who wanted to push you onto the bed whenever and wherever he could?

If it were up to Shi Qing to answer, he would only need one word.


Nothing left to say. The demon lord was just too skilled.

All kinds of positions and openings were used...

It was as if he knew a little bit of everything, and learned very quickly as well.

Having regained his spiritual strength, with his colour returning quickly, the supreme elder hovered, embarrassed and pale by the bedside.

On the cloud bed, the demon lord was sprawled out like he was watching a good show. He propped up his chin and urged, "Isn't there a lot Shizun wants to know? Then strip already."

The supreme elder struggled one last time.

"I am your shizun. Last night was already a mistake. Rong Jue, I know you have anger in your heart, but don't be like this. This is really, really..."

Rong Jue had no patience for his admonishments. He stretched out a hand. On his palm was a swirling cloud of demonic energy.

This made the supreme elder's seemingly endless chatter stop. He glanced at the cloud with a fearful gaze that made one want to drag him by his arm onto the cloud bed.

Shi Qing asked with a slight tremor in his voice."What is this?"

Rong Jue shrugged, "It seems you sensed something back then. I put demonic energy in Shang Lu's heart meridian. If I wanted him to, he would immediately die a violent death."

The supreme elder's face grew pale again.

He even panicked a little, which could be discerned from the way he stammered his words. "Shang Lu has always respected you, Rong Jue. I know I've committed wrongs against you, but Shang Lu has never wronged you in the slightest! If you have any grievances, let them out on me. Don't involve him, Rong Jue, please..."

This again!

Even though he knew that Shang Lu and his little shimei were near and dear to Shi Qing's heart, wtatching his Shizun beg him to spare Shang Lu when he remained completely silent last night made Rong Jue's bloodthirst increase.

He smiled coldly and cruelly squeezed the demonic energy in his palm.

"Doesn't Shizun know how he has wronged me?"

"Shang Lu is innocent, but who let him be your beloved treasure? Since Shizun loves him so much, he's naturally a thorn in my side."

Hearing Rong Jue not hide the fact that he was taking his anger out on others, Shi Qing's face turned a little whiter.

"Don't just stand there, I don't have time to waste with you."

Because Shi Qing cared so much about Shang Lu, Rong Jue's good mood was gone.

He didn't want to admit that he was jealous, so he convinced himself that he was just angry at Shi Qing for being a hypocrite.

If he liked Shang Lu so much, why did he take Rong Jue as a disciple in the first place?

Even back then, he knew that people were fighting to be his shifu because of his excellent spiritual root. There was no way Rong Jue would've ended up at Qing Jian Peak if Shi Qing didn't persuade his father to interfere.

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