Chapter 47.2

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Editor: yummers

Shi Qing hastily snorted coldly with his usual domineering and arrogant expression when he saw Zhuo Junli staring at him in shock.

"What are you looking at?! Did I say you could look at me?!"

Zhuo Junli hid his earlier doubts and obediently lowered his head.

His tone was weak as he said, "I really don't have that type of relationship with Tong Xinyu. As I said, I didn't take the bread. If you like her, then go after her."

Why always pick on him instead?

"What's the point of chasing after her? You're the only one in her heart."

Shi Qing used his other hand to grab the youth in front of him by the collar. Zhuo Junli had no choice but to close the distance between them.

The handsome face of the school bully was filled with anger.

"Zhuo Junli, did you really think I wouldn't know? You didn't take the bread, but what about the eraser she gave you three days ago?"

"And last week Tuesday night during study hall, didn't you explain a question to her when she asked?"

"And the week before that, didn't you do her classroom chores for her? Why would a top student like you waste 15 minutes on her if you guys weren't together? Do you think I'm dumb? Or blind?!"

Zhuo Junli, "........"

How did Shi Qing remember these things when he couldn't even recall them?

It was just an eraser. Two weeks ago, Tong Xinyu had a stomach ache because of her period and asked him for a favour. It was natural to help her, ah.

All the students who wanted to do well came to him for an explanation when they had a question.

As for the eraser...

Zhuo Junli pursed his lips slightly. After explaining the other two incidents, he lowered his voice and continued, "That eraser was something she just happened to pick up. She gave it to me because she didn't want it. I've bought that kind before. It's only 50 cents at the school store so it's pretty cheap. So I..."

"So you took it."

Shi Qing ominously spoke through clenched teeth, "Don't you know these erasers are sold as a pair?! You're using a blue piglet and she's using a red one!!"

Although it wasn't the best time, weirdly enough, Zhuo Junli wanted to laugh a little at how seriously angry the school bully was over two piglets.

That wasn't the only bone Shi Qing had to pick with him. He gnashed his teeth as his right index finger viciously stabbed Zhuo Junli's collarbone as he spoke.

"Fifty cents for an eraser. Fifty cents from you, fifty cents from her, put it all together, isn't that one dollar? You guys are blatantly showing off your love! You're supposed to be smart, so why can't you follow this kind of simple logic?! How can you not be in caboots with her?!

Zhuo Junli, "It's cahoots."

Shi Qing, "........"

After a few seconds, the school bully furiously roared in embarrassment.

"I know! I just like to say it differently! Do you have a problem with that?!"

Zhuo Junli was silent for a few seconds. He opened his mouth under the school bully's threatening gaze. "Then I'll return the eraser to Tong Xinyu."

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