Chapter 7

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A huge alien ship was gliding through the sky, surrounded on all sides by a thick layer of flying robots. Every single one of the at least millions of robots had enough firepower to at least reduce a skyscraper to rubble.

Shi Qing was standing by the clear glass looking at the forest below.

Yin Mingzheng approached him from behind and placed his arms around the youth in a familiar manner. A deep voice that rumbled pleasantly could be heard. "What are you looking at?"

Shi Qing pointed towards the forest that appeared so small from this distance. "My planet only had the Mother Tree. There were no forests."

Yin Mingzheng followed his gaze. With the superior sight of an ability user he could distinguish the figures of Insects as they traversed through the lush canopy of the forest.

His heart grew heavy. This forest was clearly in human territory before, so was it lost to the Insect race?

Shi Qing looked up to see his dazed expression. The smile on his lips became even more dazzling. He nuzzled into the man's arms like a spoiled leopard cub and carefully counted off his fingers: "In 17 years 11 months and 17 days, we can make a baby."

The System's despairing voice rose up as well: [In twenty days we'll be kicked out from this world.]

[Host, we've already been here for ten days and Yin Mingzheng's animosity value is still 80. What do we do?]

Shi Qing: [Waterworks should do the trick.]


The System was just contemplating what the Host meant when it saw him lean bonelessly on Yin Mingzheng. He murmured a request like he was a small child: "I wanna go potty with Mingzheng."

Yin Mingzheng didn't consider Shi Qing's request to be too outrageous. He had completely gotten used to Shi Qing's desire to be sticky over the past couple of days. He obligingly picked up the youth in his arms.

When it was time to hug or kiss, the sprite-like Shi Qing made sure to reduce his weight significantly.

There was originally no washroom on the spaceship because robots have no need to use it.

Some were built after Yin Mingzheng arrived. Since he promised to stay on the ship a few days ago, Shi Qing modified himself with a digestive system similar to humans to be more like him.

It was just that he could only drink oil instead of eating human foods. He only needed to go number one.

This was just a way for the alien youth to be closer to Yin Mingzheng after all. There was no need to sweat the details too much.

After accompanying Shi Qing to the washroom, Yin Mingzheng saw him run excitedly to wash his hands at the sink, dry his hands and stand before him looking to be praised.

Ever since Yin Mingzheng agreed to stay, Shi Qing's face was almost constantly smiling. He circled around him like a little bird that never grew tired. To grow closer to him, he mimicked everything he did.

Shi Qing began to sleep like humans. Yin Mingzheng woke up every morning to a youth pretending to sleep in his arms.

Every night before he went to bed, the teen would get on the bed first and impatiently pat the bed with his long legs for Yin Mingzheng to 'sleep' with him.

-Even though he couldn't sleep at all.

Yin Mingzheng only discovered that later. Shi Qing tirelessly copied his every move, but it was just that, a copy.

One night when he opened his eyes to see Shi Qing staring right at him, his heart almost skipped a beat.

"Why aren't you sleeping?"

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