Chapter 70

433 24 8

Editor: Casey

The saddest thing in the world wasn't when your colleague badmouthed someone with you behind their back before turning around to kiss their ass afterwards.

It was when they continued to kiss ass after seeing you come in through the door.

And even louder at that.

The office was filled with a bunch of people furiously kissing up to Shi Qing.

"Professor Shi, I can't believe you've made an idea that so many people could only think about into a reality! No, it's more accurate to say that no one other than you could've done this! I'm in awe of your abilities!!"

"I agree! Actually, Professor, I've been dreaming of our country having this technology since elementary school, but I thought for sure it wouldn't be possible until I was an old man... This is an incredible discovery!"

The young man stood beside Qin Yunsheng and pitied these poor fools.

Although people in their department were on the younger side with few accomplishments to their names, unlike their older colleagues...there's a difference between stretching the truth and outright lying.

Whatever Shi Qing made might be good, but surely it wasn't deserving of such praise.

This flattery was way too blatant.

Where did the people who said things like "so what if he's a Marquis and his father's a Duke" and "we aren't living in a feudal society anymore, what can the aristocracy or even royal family do to us" go?

My esteemed colleagues who were once sane, have your brains been infected by Qin-ge too?

The young man suddenly paused.

Wait a moment, even Qin-ge didn't praise Shi Qing like these guys were doing.

After this sudden turn of events, the young man turned to Qin Yunsheng, hoping to commiserate being the only two sane people in the room.

But all he saw was Qin Yunsheng walking away from him with perfect posture, his eyes glued to the person surrounded by fawning admirers, Shi Qing.

With slightly quirked lips, the officer quickly crossed the distance and stood naturally at the young Marquis' side. His voice was quiet and warm, like he had already known.

"Did you finish what you've been working on recently?"


Shi Qing stretched from where he was previously sprawled out and idly listening to everyone singing his praises. He smoothly leaned himself against his man.

He slightly hooked his lips and strode forward to stand beside the young Marquis in a natural posture, his voice low and gentle, as if he already knew.

The two were about the same height, making the young Marquis not look too out of place like this. In fact, the close intimacy between the couple was visible to all.

The people surrounding them immediately lowered their voices, as if they were afraid of disturbing the couple if they spoke too loudly.

But Qin Yunsheng didn't pay attention to them.

From the moment he stepped through the door, the officer's attention was focused on Shi Qing alone.

He just smiled and slowly relaxed his muscles while standing so that the young Marquis could lean against his body more comfortably.

The Whole World Knows I'm a Good Person [Quick Wear] (Yaoi) Book 1 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now