Chapter 72.1

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Editor: Casey

No matter how much those who knew Shi Qing's true nature raged or questioned life, his name quickly spread throughout the country.

For those who didn't pay much attention to topics like artificial nerves, they might've been a bit alarmed and uncertain the first time they heard about such a thing.

However, once they understood it, their uncertainty morphed into admiration and deep respect.

As the name suggested, artificial nerves were man-made nerves.

So what would such a thing be used for?

In simpler terms, humans could control their limbs thanks to signals sent by the 'supreme commander' in their head, the brain.

The motor nerves in between the limb and the brain act as messengers.

When a person lost a limb due to an accident, the prosthesis they were fitted with can't communicate with the brain. At most, it could be controlled with a remote or buttons, but it would be inferior to the original body part.

Artificial nerves were a way to bridge that gap.

They would allow the injured person to feel sensations through their prosthetic and even control it using their brain.

They would be able to feel once again the pain of being pricked by a needle or the warmth of hot water.

In other words, with artificial nerves, losing a limb would no longer seem like a death sentence.

Paraplegics would be able to walk, people who have lost arms can use both hands, even deaf people would be able to hear again.

This research came as an absolute shock, not just for the scientific or medical community, but the entire country.

According to the state legislature, the patents of Institute inventions would belong to the creator for the first twenty years if it didn't have military or life-saving applications. Therefore, they could set their own prices and profit off their work.

As long as Shi Qing so desired, he could easily make enough money to last a lifetime. But he did no such thing.

Instead, he announced his intent to donate his artificial nerve research to the government once perfected.

How patriotic!

How admirable!

What a good person he must be!

Many people have worked on this project and even made prototypes, but no one had been able to perfect it. Besides, all the proposed production methods thus far were far too costly to mass produce.

In contrast, Shi Qing's invention was very affordable.

Not only was it not expensive to build, he also stated his desire to donate it to the government.

When this Professor Shi mentioned at a press release how he needed volunteers with amputations or hearing impairments to test his inventions, and how said volunteers would receive surgery for free...

The application site crashed on the first day of registration because of the overwhelming amount of applicants.

As for Professor Shi, he just sat back and let his boyfriend feed him fruit.

Ever since the call for volunteers, Professor Shi returned to his previous slacker ways.

He woke up lazily in the morning, left work lazily at noon, took a nap, and came back to the office to play games in the afternoon.

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