Arc 6: Bigshot Researcher - Can a Scientific Bigshot Not Be Spoiled Chapter 63.1

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Editor: SimoB

Bigshot Researcher Shi Qing took a look around his room.

As an aristocrat, his lounge was magnificently decorated even though he was staying at the Institute.

There was some incense on the table that emitted a faint fragrance.

Shi Qing picked up the picture next to the incense and looked at it.

It was of the original owner and his father.

In this world, the author diverged from Chinese history starting from 700 years ago. Instead of shutting down the country, China actively developed itself and explored other countries, so it was able to save itself during the Great War.

After the war, the emperor at the time decided that change was necessary, which is why China became a constitutional monarchy.

Both Shi Qing and the protagonist, Qin Yunsheng, were noblemen.

One of Shi Qing's foreign ancestors had been awarded a title, but his father became a Duke through his own merit.

Usually, only those of the royal bloodline could be granted the title of Duke, so his father was quite an outstanding individual.

Qin Yunsheng, on the other hand, came from the same family as the current Queen, albeit not from the main branch. He could be considered a royal, but because he wasn't from the main family, Qin Yunsheng could only receive the lowest title of Baron.

Because the Chinese royal family voluntarily gave up the right to govern the country, the power they wielded was much greater than the royals of other countries. As a Baron, Qin Yunsheng would receive a monthly stipend for the rest of his life even if he never worked. After all, this country had remained standing for 700 years and counting, so its coffers were not lacking such a sum.

However, Qin Yunsheng chose to join the army like an ordinary person, to fight for honour and glory.

If the plot hadn't fallen apart, the protagonist would've been chosen as the crown prince by the elderly queen that had never married and therefore had no heirs because of his military achievements

But he had the misfortune of running into the original owner, who ended his life just like that.

Even though the nobles didn't have supreme power like before, they were still a level above ordinary people. In fact, the original owner could've lived a pretty good life even if he didn't do anything.

But he had lost his mother as a child and his father was too busy with work to deal with him. Though he had nannies who cared for him appropriately, his personality was still somewhat extreme.

For example, he was a show off.

Everyone has some achievements they feel proud of in their heart. It could be something as simple as acing a test or getting into a good university.

The original owner liked to brag, but he lacked the ability to back up his words. If anything, he was an expert in how to slack off and have a good time.

If you didn't have the ability to show off, and you really liked to show off, what should you do?

Just steal someone else's achievements and claim them as your own. Duh.

There were many places in China for him to show off his abilities, but there was a specific reason why he picked the Science and Technology Institute.

The woman who had just left was the original owner's cousin. Her father wasn't a Duke, but she was still considered nobility and lived a pretty good life.

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