Chapter 73.1

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Editor: SimoB

For the past few days, Shi Yiyi had been questioning what her life has come to.

Especially when she found out that almost all her co-workers were adamant that Shi Qing was a good and caring person.

Is it caring to dump all troubleshooting for the artificial nerves on other people?? Shi Qing's clearly just too lazy to do it, okay?!

But no matter what Shi Yiyi said, no one listened. In fact, people started believing that her reason for persistently "speaking ill of Shi Qing" was because Shi Qing didn't let her join the project.

Would she care about that at this point?!

She didn't need this crappy project, okay?!?!

But no matter how much Shi Yiyi insisted that she didn't care, no one had the time to listen to her anymore.

Because the volunteers recruited earlier were beginning to arrive.

These people were all carefully selected to represent a wide range of ages and disabilities. Volunteers ranging from 90 to 9 years old were escorted to the city.

After going through the chain of command, the People's Hospital was selected as the site of the testing.

This was because this prosthesis was unlike any currently on the market. It required a professional to install to make sure that it could receive signals like a real limb. The hospital was also an ideal place to deal with any potential adverse reactions.

From the beginning, to the preparation process, to the end, every dollar spent was documented.

This wasn't done to present the volunteers with a bill at the end, but to provide an estimated price tag for future patients if the experiment was a success.

What a thoughtful suggestion.

And this thoughtful suggestion came from a very unexpected source. Someone everyone thought was far removed from the lives of average people - Shi Qing.

More and more people began to revise their opinions of him.

He might act standoffish, but he would secretly help his colleagues in his own way.

He seemed to be indifferent to others, but he was able to think of recording all the expenses so that future patients knew the cost of their treatment.

They were truly ashamed having misunderstood such a kindhearted person for so long.

On the other hand, Qin Yunsheng knew why Shi Qing brought up this idea.

Ever since he gave his work to other people, the young Marquis started openly slacking off again. Most of his time was spent with Qin Yunsheng in his dorm.

What was he doing in there?

Reading all kinds of news and comments praising him, of course.

The little Marquis loved to read those, and he would show them to the officer every time. His fox-like face was always beaming with pride lately.

Qin Yunsheng wasn't stingy with his praise either. He told the little Marquis how great he was every time.

That was the truth after all.

This was the real reason Shi Qing came up with this idea, to have more people praise him.

Qin Yunsheng heard it from the little Marquis himself, but he didn't feel that Shi Qing was wrong for doing so.

It was human nature to crave positive attention. Some people just hid that desire better than others.

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