Chapter 81

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Editor: SimoB

The golden dragon was furious.

When he heard the sound of his little mermaid crying, he was so enraged that he wanted to swallow the whole sea.

By the time he rose out of the sea and located the little mermaid sprawled on the ship, his tender face was covered with tears. Shi Qing pitifully reached out towards the golden dragon, further inciting his fury.

These humans!!!

How dare these humans do such a thing to his little mermaid!!

His baby was a fish, and they've forced him ashore!!

Yes, in the Golden Dragon's Eye, this boat was considered land.

Anywhere out of the water was dangerous for fishes.

Even if they were mermaids!

He roared, and with a flick of his tail crushed the boat into pieces.

The people in the boat were lucky Shi Qing was there, because otherwise the golden dragon would've surely aimed for them directly.

The humans on board were thrown into the water amidst the wreckage of the ship, but they all knew how to swim so no one drowned.

But at this point they were about to die of fright.

Zeng Nan and the others were relatively safe compared to those who still had their hands and feet bound.

She took the opportunity to cut her bindings. Struggling to open her eyes underwater, she dove to save her subordinates.

Those who emerged first from the water were not so lucky.

As soon as they came out, they were confronted by the gigantic head of the golden dragon.

The pirates: "......"

There was no need to mention the rest of his body, just his head alone was...

Let's just say that one of his eyes was bigger than an entire human.

One could imagine what a horrifying experience it was to come face to face with such a behemoth.

They were about to die of fright, okay?!

And yet, the golden dragon paid no attention to the humans who were scared shitless.

Every fibre of his being wanted to rescue his baby right now. As for these humans, well, they definitely wouldn't be leaving the sea.

No matter how delicate Shi Qing appeared to be, he was still a siren. When the boat capsized, he easily found a piece of broken wood and sat on it. He then swiftly moved to the paw the golden dragon carefully extended in his direction.

In his new perch, he serenely watched over the paddling pirates and opened his lips a fraction. A beautiful melody emerged from his vocal chords.

The sirens' song had, at its core, an enchantment that lured all who heard it closer.

The eyes of the formerly desperate pirates gradually dilated as the corpses of their 'two-legged sheep' victims came into view.

The humans who perished at the hands of their own species seemed to return to life as ghostly skeleton apparitions. They floated in the sea, flashing ghastly white smiles at the ones responsible.


Screams joined together in an unholy choir on the sea surface, which gradually quietened once again as the pirates convulsed and sank to the bottom of the sea with terrified expressions.

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