Chapter 68.1

439 22 7

Editor: Casey

"Qin Yunsheng, I want to eat this."

"Qin Yunsheng, I want to eat that."

"Qin Yunsheng, I want to eat fruit."

"Qin Yunsheng, my shoulders are sore. Give me a massage."

"Qin Yunsheng, I want to sing. Sing with me tonight."

These were what the young Marquis asked of his boyfriend on the first day of their relationship.

The next morning, not only did the people in the Science and Technology Institute receive Shi Qing's message about no longer being single, they were also fed a mouthful of dog food.

The people at the Institute tended to be free spirited, especially the professors.

Even though everyone knew that Shi Qing was a professor only in name, he was still a professor.

Besides, Shi Qing was famous for never being present when there was work to do, yet always there to take some of the credit.

However unpleasant it was, there was nothing to be done. He was a noble after all.

Anyways, everyone's just thankful that he didn't purposely cause trouble by interfering.

The young master slacked off today as usual, but he ordered his boyfriend around constantly too.

While he sat leisurely with a book in his hand, the tall and muscular officer he commanded rushed to and fro.

With no breaks.

People couldn't help but look away and start to sympathize with Qin Yunsheng.

Someone quietly spat out, "Are they really boyfriends?"

Then why did it look more like they were servant and master?

It wasn't even like this when Qin Yunsheng was a bodyguard before either.

Because of the previous confrontation between Shi Qing and Tan Mingyi, no one dared to openly badmouth this Professor Shi who seemed to have hidden depths for fear of being made a fool.

But that didn't stop them from gossiping about his personal life.

Professor Shi's 'glorious' history was long enough to fill an entire series of books.

And now, another crime has been added to the growing list, not treating his boyfriend with human decency.

Qin Yunsheng happened to run into a group of gossipers outside the bathroom as he headed back to Shi Qing with freshly washed fruits.

Hearing them whisper unflattering things about Shi Qing, the rigid soldier's brows furrowed.

As a soldier, he seemed to have responsibility embedded in his nature.

Although it was a trap, Shi Qing really hadn't forced him to agree. He was the one who wasn't able to resist the temptation.

Since he had agreed that Shi Qing was his little boyfriend, he had a duty to protect him.

Besides, Shi Qing was nothing like what they were saying.

He was still somewhat rude in private, but only a little bit.

He might be a little spoiled, short tempered, picky and bossy&#k2026;

But he was a good person beneath all that!

The Whole World Knows I'm a Good Person [Quick Wear] (Yaoi) Book 1 COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now