Part 142

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Jack adjusted to sit back on his heels, gesturing to Nate when he asked him happily. "You remember, Nate?" Mark shook his head, clearly not recognizing Nate in his new vampiric form. Jack cleared his throat, nervously adding out. "The Bard we met at Solitude?" Mark's eyes drifted from Nate to look at him with a hard look. Jack bit his lower lip, keeping his innocent eyes on Mark. He could almost see what Mark was thinking. Mark lifted his chin, grumbling out under his breath. "The man whore? Why are you with him? How long have I been dead?" Nate scoffed, drumming his taloned fingers on his pale arms as he slipped in lightly. "Man whore? Ouch. I'd be offended if it wasn't true." Mark shot Nate a narrowed look, causing Jack to quickly interject. "Mark, I couldn't have gotten here without him." Mark raised a hand to brush his knuckles along Jack's cheek, whispering to him with concern. "What are you giving him in return? Jack, I smell death on him..."

Nate ruffled his leathery wings, mumbling out to himself. "You don't smell too good yourself. You smell like a sweaty wet dog..." Jack quickly cupped Mark's face to keep him from arguing with Nate, upon sweetly replying. "I'm not giving him anything. He's on a quest of his own. Just know that he's a very powerful vampire and he's here to help us." Mark let out a small groan, before uttering out discreetly to him. "I can't leave you alone for two minutes before some dangerous thing comes for you." Jack kissed Mark's forehead, chuckling out. "He got me back to you and that's all I care about." Tiidgein crept more over Jack's shoulder, sniffing Mark with curious eyes. Mark slowly raised a hand to touch the underside of Tiidgein's chin. Giving him a little scratch, Tiidgein's tail wagged happily and he purred loudly with thin smoke escaping his nose. With a smile, Mark asked Jack curiously. "Do I even want to know how you got a baby dragon?" Jack leveled out his elbow to let Tiidgein walk out more from his hood, answering Mark with a warm smile. "He is a treasured gift from a mother that I spared. His name is Tiidgein."

Mark shook his head, chuckling as he stroked Tiidgein and told him nervously. "Jack... You do know how BIG he's going to get in just a few short years? How much he's going to eat?" Jack flashed Mark a grin, chuckling out. "Ya. But I couldn't refuse him. Please, Mark? Can we keep him?" Mark rolled his eyes, climbing up onto his feet as he answered honestly. "It's too late to take him from you now. But let me make this clear... I'm NOT picking up after it." Nate began to laugh, causing Mark to reluctantly smile. Standing up too, Jack told him confidently. "It's alright. I already have a plan for that. I'm thinking the college might want to study dragon shit. It could have some magical properties. Might even make amazing fertilizer for rare herbs or gardens." Nate covered his face with his hand, laughing harder as he strained out. "You want some educated mage to dig around in dragon shit for magical properties? What a crappy job... He won't regret his life's choices." Both Mark and Nate burst out laughing like children.

Jack tried not to smirk, shooting back to Nate with a slightly joking manner. "Of course not. I'd make you do it." Nate stopped laughing to stare at him in horror. Mark laughed harder. Jack chuckled very lightly, while Nate mumbled out nervously. "You... you're kidding, right? You wouldn't really make me do that... I'm a musician and an entertainer. I don't know the first thing about-" Mark couldn't stop himself from blurting in. "Dealing with shit?" Nate pointed a taloned finger a Mark, saying a bit sharply. "That better not have been a jab at my career or life choices." Jack stepped between them, quickly stating out. "Alright, that's enough. Come on, guys. Be civil. We need to get to Shor's Hall." Both Nate and Mark asked in perfect confused unison. "Why?" Jack coaxed Tiidgein back into his hood, before telling them casually. "We're here for Alduin. He's stronger here. The soldier we met a while back said that Shor's Hall is where the heros of old are... So, why not try to see if we can recruit a few? The more people we have to take down Alduin the better."

Mark shuffled his feet, answering coolly. "You're right. It would also be the best way to lure him out of the mist. If he thinks powerful souls are leaving Shor's Hall... He'll come without hesitation." Nate nodded, then his ears twitched. Nate glanced over his shoulder to look into the thick mist, his body tensing. Mark tensed too, staring off in that direction. Jack listened but didn't hear anything. The mist was so quiet. Suddenly, Nate turned and dashed for him. Slamming into Jack to pin him down against the nearest hillside with overgrown grass that shielded them. Mark joined them, rolling in behind a rock formation. Appearing from the mist were four ghostly people that ran at full speed. They panted hard as their feet padded over the stony road. Then bursting from the mist after them came a massive black dragon. Alduin opened his mouth, drawing in a spiritual energy that caught the people and dragged them back! The people screamed as their bodies turned to wisps of golden light that Alduin swallowed without slowing down.

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