Part 111

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Jack recognized the small scale almost instantly. Compared to the other dragons he had seen; this scale was unique. Gripping his bow a bit tighter, he let out a soft sigh of reluctant acceptance. Mark slowly rose to his feet, removing his Ebony greatsword from his back. Together they carefully kept up the steps in silence. The place was eerily quiet with only the wind whistling between the stone archways. Jack looked over the heavily snow-covered dragon statues with interest. This felt like an entranceway up to a temple or a castle hold. However, if this was... it had been destroyed. Reduced to stone ruins. They crept through the last archway and Jack's suspicions were confirmed. A little settlement had been built into the side of the strong grey mountain, but it was far from its former glory. The place looked as if it had been attacked... from the inside. Rumble and rocks were scattered everywhere. Had Miraak done this? A way to covet the knowledge he had learned? Mark moved toward the crumpled high walls, telling Jack cautiously. "The scent is fresh... It's still here."

Jack tried to keep his steps from crunching over the snow as he moved at a small distance from Mark. He didn't see anything that would be the size of a dragon. However, he hadn't seen Paarthurnax either and he had had less to hid in. Staying alert to everything, Jack whispered to Mark. "Let's just try to get in and out." They walked around to the far side, where the wall was broken down completely to reveal an open courtyard. Mark crept to the wall, pressing his back to it as he discreetly peeked around it. Mark only looked for the briefest of seconds, when he slammed his back against the wall, giving Jack a look with wide eyes. Jack nodded to him in understanding. Mark had seen it. Within the courtyard a rumbling voice hissed out in a common tongue. "Who daresss disssturb me? Ssspeak. I can sssmell you." Mark looked to Jack for advice. Jack swallowed, feeling like not answering would be worse than being polite. Jack started to move past Mark, despite Mark gripping his arm desperately. Jack stepped around the wall and inhaled sharply.

Right around the wall was a massive serpent nose. The narrow jaw opened slowly, showering Jack in icy breath as a long-forked tongue flicked out to feel the air. A serpentine Dragon. Jack stared at the thick pointed fang like teeth, trying to compose himself. The silted nostrils sniffed the air deeply, causing Jack's green bangs to flutter wildly. Clearing his throat nervously, he told the dragon respectfully. "I'm sorry we disturbed you. You see. We're looking for something." The dragon huffed out of its mouth, sending light frost over Jack that made him shiver uncontrollably. The dragon's upper lip rose higher up its teeth with disgust, upon sneering back. "Dragonssslayerssss." Jack raised his hands in surrender, saying a bit rushed as he tried to counter the dragons rising anger. "NO! I'm the dragonborn! I'm looking for-" The dragon let out a thundering growl that shook the mountain at the mention of who he was. Its neck arching back like a snake about to strike as it hissed out in rage. "Dovahkiin! Dragonssslayer! DECCCIVER!"

The dragon's long snake like tail bashed into the ruin wall behind him, causing it to crumble. The dragon's claws dug into the thick snow like a kneading cat, its head arching over him menacingly as it hissed out in a loud roaring voice. "Come to rid the world of the lassst of my kin, have you?! Sssurely, you didn't think I would let you! I WILL NOT DIE TO YOU! LEAVE ME BE!" The dragon flicked his long tongue, before launching for him. Jack leapt desperately to the side as the dragon's nose sank into the snow where he had been mere seconds before. The dragon removed its muzzle, shaking and snorting snow from its nose. Jack staggered to his feet, staring up at the dragon in silence. He hadn't noticed the dragon's eyes until now. They had long scars over them, like one of his own kind had blinded him. The dragon lowered his head to the snow, his tongue flicking out to try and sense his body heat. Jack stood up more confidently, telling the dragon in a stern tone. "I'm NOT Miraak and if you NEVER want to see him again... HELP ME!"

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