Part 115

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Neloth waved a dismissive hand at Mark just as the elevator let out another hiss and stopped. Without waiting for them, Neloth quickly strolled out ahead of them. Jack touched Mark's arm in a small gesture of comfort. Mark flashed him a small smile, then started after him. Following Neloth through the narrow passageway that must have caved in, Jack heard Neloth's voice echo out. "The last time I was here, I only explored a small part of the ruins." The passageway opened wider into what was left of a grand stone carved hallway with golden fixtures. Neloth kept his lead, not once looking back at them as he stated aloud. "I was here alone then, and I find an assistant is absolutely essential for this kind of dirty, dangerous work." Mark glanced back over his shoulder to give Jack a scowl. Jack shrugged in response. He had to admit that Neloth was getting on his last nerve too, but they needed the book.

As Neloth strutted out into a large chamber that had a circular design in the center with thick pillars, he puffed himself up to tell them proudly. "Nchardak the city of a hundred towers. To this day, it was the largest of Dwemer homes. What is probably most fascinating is this. In the old stories, when the Nords came to conquer it, it's said the Dwemer submerged the entire city beneath the sea until the invaders gave up." Descending the stone steps, they followed Neloth through the strange decorative area. On the other side, they could see hallways splitting off into three different directions. The side halls were blocked off by large golden doors, but the way forward was clear. Neloth lead them forward, continuing to ramble on. "I have my doubts. But the city was a marvel of Dwemer engineering. Now... reduced to this. For this, I blame the Nords warmongering." Neloth glanced back to give Mark a detesting smile. Mark glared back at Neloth, stating out dryly with an emotionless tone. "If it wasn't us, it would be you greedy mages."

Neloth huffed sarcastically, dryly shooting back. "Someone has to try and preserve our past. We mages like to collect knowledge and learn from our mistakes." Mark moved past Neloth into the open room, retorting just as dryly. "At the expense of anyone you deem beneath you. Then you hoard said knowledge for that same reason. At least when we fight, we face our enemies head on. You don't see us hiding behind our conjurations." Neloth's eyes narrowed on Mark for a time, before he moved up to another metal cube stand, muttering out. "You hate us so much... but clearly it didn't stop you from sleeping with one of us. Or was that just your animalistic Nord nature?" Mark's muscles tensed as he turned to face Neloth, his wolf eyes showing as he growled out VERY animalistic. "Don't go there, Neloth. I'm warning you. Say what you want about me but leave him out of this!" Neloth stared at Mark with a sudden smug grin, chiming out gleefully. "Oh? Did I strike a nerve? Did you forget what your husband is? What he saw in you, I'll never know."

Mark lowered his sword from his shoulder, a deep growl emanating from him to echo off the stone walls. Jack ran up between them, putting a hand on Mark's chest, but snapping out at Neloth sternly. "HEY! First of all, my love life is none of your fucking business, Neloth! Second, can we get back to work? The sooner we get the book. The sooner we can get the fuck out of here and never see each other again." Neloth shrugged nonchalantly, stating with a smug attitude. "Never would have pictured you for a beast lover... Though, I guess we all have our vexes." Mark cracked his neck, causing Jack to turn and whisper to him quickly. "Mark, don't." Mark took a step back, dropping his sword as he bent over to strain out. "I'm trying..." Jack's heart began to race. Mark was losing control? Neloth huffed behind him, stating out bitterly. "Typical. Nords can't control themselves in anything they do." Jack ignored Neloth, watching Mark jerk his head up to show his sharp growing canines with an aggressive growl.

Jack didn't know if this would work, but he cupped Mark's face and whispered to him lovingly. "Mark, I need you. Please, don't change here..." Mark fell to his knees, his growls becoming less aggressive. Jack leaned in to kiss his lips, feeling Mark's body slowly relax as his growls subsided. Jack pried his lips off Mark's, whispering sweetly. "See? I knew you could it." Mark took a deep breath, weakly straining out. "Ya... Hurt though..." Jack ran a hand through Mark's dark bangs, finally looking out at the almost entirely flooded chamber they were overlooking. Neloth must have read his expression, because he changed the subject to say matter-of-factly. "As you can see, most of the lower levels of the city were flooded. But it isn't hopeless. The old Dwemer pumps still seem to work. Watch." Neloth finally set the cube down on the pedestal, causing the entire chamber to start shaking as the cube brought some of the pumps to life. The water level began to lower quickly, while Neloth informed him. "But the pumps only operate when a cube is on the pedestal. And unfortunately, I only have one cube."

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