Part 133

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Taking his leave out, Jack took in the commotion in the courtyard. The guards were all huddled around in a circle cheering on the two sparring men in the center. The sound of clanging steel ringing throughout the air. Jack thought about trying to wedge his way in to watch, but he was mentally drained. Slipping just outside the archway, he leaned against a stone wall that overlooked the quieter part of Solitude. It had to be late afternoon by now and it felt like a rather pleasant day. There was only a slight nip in the air but standing it the sun just made it feel perfect. Inhaling the sweet scent of pies, Jack let himself relax. From below him came the sounds of soft plucking on an instrument that helped to sooth his headache with its calming melody. After a minute of just listening to the tune, he leaned more over the wall to see an attractive bard. The bard was sitting on the ground at the foot of the stone steps with his back against the wall and humming softly to himself.

Jack grinned watching the bard play. It brought back memories of how he wanted to be a bard as a kid, but he just didn't have a talent for string instruments. Jack slid off the wall, glancing briefly back toward the crowded courtyard. He didn't want to venture too far without Mark knowing where he was. However, he wasn't really going all that far. Walking down the steps slowly, he moved closer to get a better look at the bard. The bard was wearing tight black leather pants with worn black knee-high boots. He wore a black vest with beautiful tan embroidery and a bright yellow sleeveless tunic underneath. Other than a single brass ring with two small gems on it, the bard wore strange black discs in his earlobes. The bard's long black bangs fell over his face as he continued to play without noticing him. Jack leaned leisurely against the wall, continuing to listen to him play his dark red mandolin. Jack was just starting to wonder why this bard wasn't playing in the tavern, when the bard twanged a string out of tune.

Jack followed his gaze to couple strolling down the street. The couple hadn't seen the bard. Although, their presence certainly didn't go unnoticed by him. The bard cursed under his breath and scrambled to hide beneath the low wall of the stairs, huddling up with his mandolin between his legs. Upon noticing that Jack was watching him, the bard flashed him a beautiful grin before pressing his index finger to his lips. Jack didn't move or say anything. He simply watched the couple cross the street to enter into a clothing shop. Once they were out of sight, he told the bard with a smirk. "They're gone." The bard exhaled deeply, telling him with relief. "Thanks, I appreciate it, but I think I'm just going to lay low for a bit." Jack shrugged casually, asking him curiously. "Why? You owe them money?" The bard chuckled, stating out with a guilty blush that showed off his dimples. "Ha. If only it was that simple. No. I a... I slept with his wife. Not one of my finer moments... Since he's the Housecarl to Jarl Elisif."

Jack snorted trying to suppress a smile as he crossed his arms with amusement. The bard tilted his head back against the wall, admitting with bright grin. "You wanna know the worst part?" Jack nodded and the bard told him softly. "I was so damn drunk... I honestly don't remember sleeping with her. I just woke up naked in her bed. She claimed that I promised to steal her away from her husband, and her husband tried to castrate me with his axe." Jack chuckled, sliding down the wall to sit on the steps as he told him. "Well, did he?" The bard laughed out with a gleaming grin. "He fucking tried. I had to jump out of a window on the second floor... crashed through the roof of a passing carriage... Spent about three minutes explaining to the poor woman why I was naked... and eventually slept with her. Now THAT I remember, because she had the most beautiful set of-" At that moment, the Commander came around the corner with Mark, their casual conversation ending as the Commander's face suddenly flared up with anger.

The bard's face paled, uttering out a soft. "Oh shit..." The Commander withdrew his sword, racing down the steps as he yelled out to the bard heatedly. "HEY! Get back here you son of a bitch!" Jack rose to his feet, noticing that the bard used a bit of trickery in his getaway. The Commander didn't appear to notice it though as he rushed down the steps and after what Jack assumed was an illusionary image. Beside him, Mark stared at him blankly, asking with a strong hint of jealousy in his tone. "Who was that? I thought you were with General Tullius?" Jack nodded, truthfully regaling to him. "I was. When I came out you two were still sparring. So, I just started chatting with this bard. What were YOU doing?" Mark gestured toward the tavern, answering openly. "He offered to buy me a drink. I was going to accept and meet back up with you. If I had known you were out, I would have declined the offer." Jack shrugged, then jumped as the bard materialized beside them. Mark's hands rose as he jumped, barely holding himself back from punching him.

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