Part 141

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Jack watched Nate approach the dragon carved door, but he stopped to look back at him. Jack removed his black staff. Sam's emerald green eyes glinting in the dim light. Across his shoulders, Tiidgein leaned out to sniff the nose of Sam's nose. Petting Tiidgein's head, he told him slightly worried. "Stay close." Tiidgein's response was to huddle back along his shoulders, his little tail curling around his neck loosely. Walking up the steps, Jack couldn't help chuckling. Tiidgein had adjusted to a new spot. Snuggling into the hood of his robe, Tiidgein rested his tiny head by his neck to peek over his shoulder. Nate smiled at him, asking them both curiously. "Are you ready for this?" Jack nodded, confidently answering. "Ya. Let's do this." Nate put his powerful hands on the door, his vampiric muscles flexing under his grey skin to push the heavy doors. Dust shook from the seem of the door as the door struggled to open. The doors hadn't been opened in years and they were practically sealed shut.

Nate's boots split down the sides as his clawed feet dug into the stone floor to get more leverage. His thick talons tore through the stone as he put all his strength into the door. Nate's leather wings rose behind him as his body tensed, then finally shoved the heavy doors open. The heavy doors swung out, slamming against the walls of the castle and breaking off their rusted hinges. Nate rolled his shoulders and wings, taking the lead. Jack followed him at a distance, pointing his staff to spots on either side of him. The spots twisted with magical energy that summoned two Flame Thralls to his aid. His magic was feeling better, but he hoped it would last. He'd have to rely on Sam to help him. Nate raised a clawed hand into the air to gesture for him to stop as they made their way across the roof of the castle. Jack huddled himself to the nearest wall to peek around. Standing on a high rise of stairs, was a Dragon Priest that was polishing a golden dragon staff. The dragon staff's ruby eye glinted as it saw them, causing the Dragon priest to lazily look over his shoulder.

Sam vibrated in Jack's hands, either this guy was really powerful, or his staff was. Either way, Sam was anxious. Nate flexed his hand, a blue energy leaking from his palm. From the wall above them, a stony Gargoyle crawled over the wall to growl at the Dragon Priest with bright red eyes. Jack stepped back from the wall, asking Nate nervously. "That's yours, right?" Nate cracked his neck, flashing his fangs in a smug grin as he said aloud. "Yep. We're going to need him." The Dragon Priest slowly turned to face them, speaking aloud in a scratchy tone of voice. "Zu'u uth naal thuri dein daar miiraak. Fent ni fiilok." Nate's long pointed bat ears twitched as he discreetly questioned Jack over his shoulder. "What did he say...?" Jack hefted Sam, stating out bluntly. "Oh, the usually. He's been ordered to guard the portal... and we won't escape." Nate huffed, snapping back at the dragon priest. "Hey Nahkriin! Lighten up! We're here for you!" Nahkriin moved down the steps casually and then pointed his staff at Nate.

From the end of his staff, the mouth opened to shoot out a massive fireball. Nate let out a loud curse and dashed away as fast as he could to avoid it. Jack pressed his back to the wall, feeling Tiidgein snuggle into his neck as the fireball hit the ground and exploded. Jack gasped from the heatwave that washed over him, but he was otherwise alright. That fireball would have incinerated anything it had touched! Taking a deep breath though, he gestured to his Flame Thralls and they moved out into the open to form fireballs of their own. From their hands, they began throwing fireballs at Nahkriin in rapid fire. Nahkriin spun his staff to form a shield that blocked their fireballs easily. Nate let out an aggressive hiss, causing the gargoyle to spread its stone wings and glide down straight for Nahkriin's back. Nahkriin must have expected it because as the Gargoyle got in range, Nahkriin turned to begin beating the Gargoyle in the face with his spinning staff. The Gargoyle inched backward, and Jack was impressed that Nahkriin was able to move so fast!

Nahkriin could block the fireballs and attack the Gargoyle with such fluid motion. Jack stepped out to stand with his Flame Thralls and took a deep breath to shout out toward him. "FUS RO DAH!" The Gargoyle slid across the stone floor a bit, but Nahkriin took the full blast. However, Nahkriin used the blast to his advantage. Flipping through the air, Nahkriin landed on his feet and shot another fireball at Jack. Jack jammed Sam down into the ground, taking a knee. As the fireball came at him, Sam opened his mouth and absorbed it. Closing his mouth, Sam's nose leaked smoke. Over his shoulder, Tiidgein snorted a tiny flame from his nostrils with a tiny growl. Jack smirked, rising to his feet as he swung his staff over head and set the fireball right back at him. Tiidgein bounced excitedly, his eyes wide as the fire burst from Sam. Nahkriin didn't flinch, he simply crossed his wrists in an 'X' and a cyclone of flames formed around him. When the fireballs hit the fire wall around him, they become absorbed in his firey cloak.

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