Part 23

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Jack pulled away from Mark's embrace, glancing at the dead body of the draugr and then the wall.  Mark picked up Jack's knapsack, stating firmly.  "There are some stairs over this way. It's probably a way out. The ancient nords would have built it just incase there was a cave in".  Jack grabbed Mark's arm to stop him from passing him, telling him a bit distracted.  "Wait a second, Mark. We were sent here to find the dragonstone. We have to find it".  Mark turned to point to the large wall, answering sarcastically.  "There it is. Now, unless you know how to shrink it down and slip into your bag... we can't take it. You want to make a rubbing.  Fine".  Jack leaned over to look inside the stone coffin, telling him a bit distracted.  "You're wrong, Mark. That wall talks about 'The guardian' of the dragonstone. So, this draugr has it somewhere".  Mark sighed heavily, before nervously saying.  "I'm starting to think my mother was right. All those stories and legends... they had to come from somewhere. I just hope I'm wrong".  Jack was barely listening as he searched the coffin.  Nothing.  Banging his hands against the sides of it, he moved off to check the Draugr's body. 

Jack checked his small pockets and cursed.  Dropping down onto his ass as he banged a frustrated fist on the draugr's ancient chest armor.  Nothing.  Lowering his face into his hands, Jack mumbled out to Mark.  "It has to be here. No one has even been in here! Where would this decayed bastard put it"?!  Mark chuckled, stating playfully.  "Close to his heart".  Jack lowered his hands to shoot Mark a stern glare as he replied.  "I'm being serious, Mark".  Mark dropped Jack's knapsack, walking toward the draugr's corpse as he answered seriously.  "So was I".  Jack scooted away a bit to watch Mark kneel down and pull the chest plate up.  Mark reached into the draugr's ribcage and carefully removed a large solid flat stone.  Jack's eyes widened and he reached out for it, asking Mark perplexed.  "How did you know he'd put it there"?!  Mark chuckled, stating playfully.  "I didn't. You hit his armor and I saw it drop loose".  Jack set the dragonstone in his lap, blushing from embarrassment.  He was always pretty calm tempered and hounded Mark a lot on his... but how could he say having a temper was bad now? 

Running a hand over the cool stone to remove the dust, Jack stared at it confused.  This is what they risked their life for?  Mark scooted closer, asking curiously.  "You look disappointed? What is it"?  Jack turned the stone around in his lap for Mark to see, saying dryly.  "I don't get it. It looks like a map. It's got these weird X's on it... but doesn't say what they are for. Why would a mage like Farengar want this"?  Mark stared intently at the dragonstone, before telling him calmly.  "Don't you remember? He mentioned something about wanting this because it revealed the locations of Dragon burial grounds".  Jack shrugged, stating a bit sourly.  "I still don't get it. Why their burial grounds? There is a real one flying around and we are crawling around in a tomb to look for dead ones? Why"?  Mark took the dragonstone and stood up, saying honestly.  "I don't know, but I've got a bad feeling. You end up one of the survivors of Helgen. Akatosh sends you to Whiterun. You're now reading and speaking in an ancient language. Jack... I think he's preparing you for something big". 

Jack climbed to his feet, bitterly snapping back.  "Whatever it is, I'M DONE! I didn't sign up for this! Let's just return this stupid rock and go home"!  Jack stormed passed Mark, heading straight for the stairs.  When Mark called out to him gently.  "Jack? I think it is time that we considered-".  Jack stormed up the stone steps, cutting off Mark as he yelled out.  "I SAID, I'M DONE! I'm not a warrior! I never wanted to BE a warrior! Akatosh can find someone else to fight his battles"!  Mark grabbed Jack's knapsack, following after Jack as Jack screamed out to the ceiling.  "YOU HEAR ME, AKATOSH! FIND SOMEONE ELSE! I'M NOT DYING FOR YOUR PETTY ARSE"!  Jack continued to storm out of the tunnel, while Mark slowed down to tell Akatosh respectfully.  "He didn't mean that, Akatosh, honest. He's just scared".  Jack walked out into the bright light of day.  The sun sparkling off the snow and his lungs filling with fresh mountain air.  He didn't want Mark to say it.  He didn't want to hear it.  He didn't want to consider the possibility of all out war.  He hated war. It never solved a damn thing.  If Akatosh was preparing him for war, than he wanted no part in it.  He was choosing a side.  HIS side.  He learned magic to help people... not destroy them with it!

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