Part 105

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Jack stepped up to the edge of his ramp, flicking his wrist out at the ground floor to his right to conjure forth a flame Thrall. The flame from his hand hit the ground by Frea, growing quickly into the molten flaming form of a slender woman hovering over the spot. The flame Thrall lifted a confidant and commanding hand, her fingers as black as cooled lava, forming a ball of flame in her hand. Frea side-stepped away from the Flame Thrall to avoid the intense heat wafting from her. Jack knew that the Draugr were basically dried corpses. So, no matter their strength. Fire was a killer to them. Flicking his other wrist out to his left, he conjured a Storm Thrall. A bolt of lightening shot from his hand to the spot in front of Mark's draugr, the ground rumbling as a small tornado spun up from the ground to form into a mass of heavy rocks that sparked lightening from its core. The Storm Thrall slammed its solid rock fists together and a wave of lightening rippled out from its tornado lower half.

Jack then rolled his shoulders, calling across the room to the Necromancer. "Your move!" The Necromancer applauded loudly, chuckling out. "Impressive. But are you strong enough to sustain them?" The Necromancer raised a wrist toward his Draugr Deathlord by the Storm Thrall and caused a black mist to rise from the ground. From the black mist, a black skeleton hand rose up toward the sky before slamming down to crawl its way out from the ground. The shiny pitch-black skeleton stood up, drawing its shadow bow as its shiny purple eyes locked on the Storm Thrall. Jack's heart sank a little. He was summoning powerful undead Boneman from The Soul Cairn. A purgatory. A plane of Oblivion where souls trapped in soul gems are sent. The Necromancer lifted his left hand up in the direction of Frea and another Boneman rose from the ground. Jack couldn't believe what he was looking at. This guy was VERY powerful to control not just Deathlords, but two Bonemen from the Soul Cairn.

The Necromancer made a show of dusting off his long brown sleeves, giving Jack a little bow as he told him with a chuckle. "Satisfied?" Jack glanced at Mark, telling him softly. "Mark... Be careful." Mark let out a small whine, then rose up onto two legs and let out a challenging growl. Frea hefted her axe, shouting out a battle cry of her own. Jack locked eyes back with the Necromancer, waiting to see what he would do next. The Necromancer simply crossed his arms over his chest, his expression hidden behind his golden mask. The Draugr and Bonemen were the first to engage in the fight fearlessly. The Flame Thrall drifted back from the advancing Draugr but threw her ball of fire toward him. Her aim hit him square in the face, setting him ablaze. It didn't stop him though. He didn't even feel his body burning. He just charged toward Frea with his long Nordic battle axe. Swinging it over his head like it weighed nothing, he drought it down on Frea. Frea raised her smaller war axe to block the hit.

Jack thought her ice looking weapon would shatter, but it took the hit without so much as a scratch. Shouting loudly, she shoved the Draugr's axe away and spun in quickly to cut him across his armored chest. The draugr staggered back with a grunt but was recovering just as quickly to strike again. Jack turned to see Mark jump off the ledge again, this time crashing down on top of the Boneman. The draugr turned to engage Mark, only to drop to a knee as the Storm Thrall drifted closer.  Slamming its solid rock fists together, it sent electricity across the ground to stagger him. The draugr groaned as sparks rippled up his legs, then he slowly stood up to instead engage the Storm Thrall. Lifting its Ebony greatsword, it slashed the Storm Thrall across the chest. Sparks shot out from the contact between them, showering the Draugr. Jack watched with slight amusement at how the Draugr's movements were slowed drastically due to the ripples of electricity tensing up what was left of his muscles.

Mark tore the Boneman's head off in his jaws, turning his eyes on the Necromancer, before he crushed it to into shards with a deep growl. The Necromancer stood completely unfazed by Mark's show of dominance. Jack was so worried about Mark turning his attention on the Necromancer, that he didn't see the arrow until it was too late. The second Boneman hadn't engaged in the fight with Frea or the Flame Thrall. It had moved back into prime position to target him. The misty black arrow whizzed across Jack's vision, striking him in the shoulder so hard that it knocked him back off his feet. Jack let out a sharp yelp, landing across the ramp roughly as his vision blurred from the pain. Jack rolled to his wounded side, crying out as he touched the black arrow. At his pain, the Thralls abandoned their fights to drift closer toward him. His pain had triggered them to defend him. Which was exactly what the Necromancer had been waiting for. The Necromancer uncrossed his hands, flicking red balls of light toward both the Thralls.

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