Part 45

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Jack forced his eyes to open.  Fighting hard against the darkness that wanted him to sink into unconsciousness.  Was Mark here?  He couldn't be.  He should be in Riverwood by now.  His body wasn't responding.  His vision was still unfocused and blurry... but someone was here with him.  A man was standing in the entrance way of the cave calling his name.  Jack's eyes turned to see the Frost Troll slide to a stop before reaching him.  This new man had drawn its full attention.  The Frost Troll struck the ground with its large furry white fists like an angry gorilla, roaring threateningly at the man.  Jack turned his blurry vision to the man to see him strike a torch to life.  The burst of warm light filled the cold cave, illuminating the man's armor.  Jack's heart skipped.  He recognized that armor... but was his vision playing tricks on him? 

Jack felt himself slipping into the dark and tried to move.  He had to stay awake.  He needed to know.  His vision was getting worse, like he was looking through teary eyes.  The Frost Troll charged toward the man, only to stop short and swipe a hand at him.  The man had held the torch out toward the Frost Troll, drawing his large sword.  A greatsword.  The fire reflected off the steel as if the blade itself was ablaze.  Trolls of any breed hated fire.  Their fur was extremely flammable as well as their thick rough skin.  Although, Trolls were too stupid and aggressive to run from a fight.  Jack's eyes processed everything in slow motion as the edges of his vision began to darken.  The man tossed the torch close to Jack, before swinging his blade high over his head to bring it down across the Frost Troll's torso.  It slashed the Frost Troll from shoulder to hip, forcing it to take a step or two back. 

The Frost Troll touched a hand to its chest to touch its own warm blood, but it only infuriated the Frost Troll.  The attack would have been enough to kill any human.  However, it was simply a battle scar to a Frost Trolls thick hide.  The Frost Troll thrashed its arms wildly and charged for the man.  Jack held his breath as the man spun out of its way, bring his sword around to slash across the Frost Trolls back as it bolted past him.  The Frost Troll stopped short to arch its back, roaring out a mixture of anger and pain.  The man stepped around to move away from Jack's direction, his sword trained on the Frost Troll.  The Frost Troll turned, grunting out threats as it locked its three eyes on the man.  The man stood his ground, waiting for the Frost Troll to make a move first.  The Frost Troll stood up to its full height to bang on its chest with another mighty roar, before it charged again. 

Jack blinked and his vision cleared for a slip second to reveal that the man was Mark.  Mark ran toward the Frost Troll as the Frost Troll charged him.  When the Frost Troll was close enough, Mark ducked a swing from the Frost Troll and thrust his sword up into the underside of the Frost Trolls large jaw.  Mark's sword burst up through the Frost Trolls skull, causing the Frost Troll to stiffen up in place.  Jack smiled to himself.  He should have known that Mark would always find him.  Protect him.  The darkness was shrinking his vision fast now.  The last thing he saw was Mark running toward him.  Mark kneeled before him, but Jack's body was numb.  He couldn't feel Mark's touch or say anything.  As his vision was consumed in darkness, he did smile.  Falling into unconsciousness, he let Mark's voice echo in his mind.  "Jack?! You're going to be alright! I'm right here". 

When Jack opened his eyes his body felt heavy and bruised.  The first thing he noticed was it was dark and he was outside.  He could hear the soft crackling of a fire behind him.  He could feel its warmth.  Then a soft warm leathery muzzle puffed air into his face.  Flinching away, Jack jerked upright.  Regretting it instantly.  His right side tensed up in pain that made him hiss, until he laid back down.  Jack held his side weakly, staring up into Argo's long face.  Jack blinked a bit confused.  Argo?  What was his horse doing here?  Jack pet Argo's soft nose, glancing around to look for Mark.  He wasn't here.  Jack turned his eyes back on Argo, whispering in a raspy voice.  "Where is he, Argo"?  Argo snorted, shifting around to lay down next to him.  Argo looked out into the dark, his ears perking up.  Jack pet Argo's warm back with a weak smile. 

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