Part 65

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Mark finished drawing his sword, starting to run for the dragon. Paarthurnax simply turned his head to look and Jack found himself calling out to both of them. "WAIT"! Mark stopped a foot or two from Paarthurnax, but still kept his sword raised. Jack lowered his hands as Paarthurnax's eyes found his. In a semi-worried voice, Jack asked him curiously. "You're the Master of the Greybeards"? Paarthurnax bowed his head respectfully and then told them. "What brings you to my strunmah... My mountain"? Jack raised an eyebrow, suspiciously asking. "Didn't you call me up here? Send me those visions of the archway"? Paarthurnax smirked, revealing sharp white teeth as he answered softly. "Yes. Vahzah. You speak true, Dovahkiin. Forgive me. It has been long since I held tinvaak with a stranger. I gave in to the temptation to prolong our speech". 

Jack felt a bit bad for him. So, to encourage him to talk a bit more, Jack asked him respectfully. "Why live alone on a mountain if you love conversation"? Paarthurnax lowered his massive head toward Jack, answering in a knowledgeable voice. "Evenaar bahlok. There are many hungers it is better to deny than to feed. Dreh ni nahkip. Discipline against the lesser aids in gahnaar... denial of the greater. Tell me: Why do you come here, Volaan? Why do you intrude on my meditation"? Jack held his breath. He felt really nervous about having a dragon's massive jaws so close to him. He didn't want to get eaten for giving the wrong answer. He also didn't want to step back and appear rude if this was normal behavior. Straightening up his shoulders confidently, he nervously told Paarthurnax. "I need to learn the Dragonrend Shout. Can you teach me"?

Paarthurnax lifted his head up to his full height, purring out warmly. "Drem. Patience. There are familiarities which must be observed at the first meeting of two of the Dov". Paarthurnax glanced in Mark's direction, then at the word wall. Giving a brilliant white smile of glee, he told Jack excitedly. "By long tradition, the Elder speaks first. Here my Thu'um! Feel it in your bones. Match it, if you are Dovahkiin"! Paarthurnax jerked his head to the side and Jack moved closer to Mark's side away from the word wall. Once he was clear, Paarthurnax took a deep breath and arched his body like a hissing cat, before shouting out. "Yol...Toor... Shul"! From his open jaws a mass of blazing white hot flames erupted out against the stone word wall. He didn't do it for very long, before he cut the flames and closed his massive jaws.

Jack watched the word wall ripple with heated steam. He could barely believe he was talking to a dragon... Let alone watching it preform something so powerful without being on the receiving end. Paarthurnax gestured to the wall with his large wing, telling him warm and inviting. "Dovahkiin, you try it now". Jack moved closer to the wall, seeing a set of dragon runes burning on the word wall. Staring at it, he committed it to memory. A Shout for fire breath. Jack looked over his shoulder at Paarthurnax with a grin. He was going to be able to spew fire too?! That made him eager to try it. Behind him, Paarthurnax told him happily. "A gift, Dovahkiin. Yol. Understand fire as the Dov do". Jack turned to face him as the knowledge for the new Shout streamed from Paarthurnax into himself. It was a much stronger understanding than any of the dragon souls in him knew. He wondered exactly how long Paarthurnax had been alive and how strong he actually was.

Paarthurnax lowered his massive head down to his level again. This time telling him with a toothy grin. "Now, Show me what you can do. Greet me not as Man, but as Dovah". Jack hesitated for a moment. How was he suppose to greet him? Jack looked to Mark, who shrugged at him. Paarthurnax sensed his hesitation and told him soothingly. "Come, Dovahkiin. Nin Yol. Strike me with the fire of your Thu'um. It is alright. You will not hurt me". Jack took a deep weary breath to conjure up the strength for it. He was going to do what he said. Belting out the Shout loud and clear, he watched a burst of flames ripple up Paarthurnax's massive head. The flames rippled over his white scales like water over rocks. It didn't even scorch him. Paarthurnax closed his eyes, tilting his head up to the sky as he happily spouted out. "Aah... Yes! Sossedov los mul. The dragon blood runs strong in you. It is long since I had the pleasure of speech with one of my own kind".

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