Part 31

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Mark grabbed Jack's arm roughly, snapping back loudly.  "I said we needed to lure it away!  Not piss it off"!  Mark yanked Jack toward the Riften gates as Strunsossah let out a thunderous roar.  As they pushed passed the large wooden gates, Jack glanced back to see the dragon was scrambling after them.  It leaped over the watery canal, landing just on the other side of the gates!  Its neck curled back like a snake and shot forward at them with its teeth bared.  Mark yanked Jack away from the closing doors, just before the dragon's large jaws smashed through the gates.  The wooden gates burst into a shower of splinters.  The horses in the stable reared in panic, bolting from their stalls and out across the road!  Mark's shoulder got clipped by one as it dashed passed him, but his focus was on Tim. 

Jack snatched Argo's reins and quickly pulled himself into the saddle.  The dragon forced its massive head through the rest of the gate, sending bits of stone flying in all directions as it broke apart!  The dragon shook its head like a dog, trying to clear the dust and bits of stone from its face.  Mark was barely in the saddle, when he blazed passed him, yelling out.  "Head for the woods"!  Jack whirled Argo around and kicked him into a run.  Argo had longer legs than Tim and caught up to him in no time.  Glancing over his shoulder, Jack watched the dragon scrambled after them for a bit, before launching itself into the sky!  Mark cut off the road, heading into the wood line.  Jack steered Argo to follow, but pulled Argo up short when a burst of molten flames cut him off!  Jack turned Argo back to the road and was about to try again farther down, when the trees started to snap and splinter, toppling down to block his way. 

The dragon was flying low enough that he was able to push the trees down with his back legs as he flew overheard!  Keeping him exposed out on the road!  Jack gasped in terror as the beasts massive jaws tried to snatch him and Argo up.  Missing by only a few inches, because Argo had randomly drifted farther into the road!  Argo let out a panicked whinny and picked up his speed.  Within the woods, Tim was dashing quickly around the trees trying to keep up with them as Mark called his name franticly.  Jack tried to think quickly.  Argo was faster than most of the horses in Skyrim.  Jack was also much lighter than a lot of Nords.  Glancing up into the sky, he saw the dragon circling around overheard.  It was going to try swooping in from behind him.  Giving up on the woods, Jack steered Argo into the middle of the road.  This was going to be a long shot.

When Argo was centered, Jack gripped the saddle firmly and brought his legs up to get his footing.  In a terrified voice, Jack told Argo hopefully.  "Keep steady"!  Pushing himself up slowly, Jack stood up on the saddle.  As long has he kept his balance, he could do this.  Conjuring his bound bow, Jack drew back the string to create the  shining blue arrow.  Taking aim at the dragon, Jack held his breath.  The dragon grinned wickedly, swooping in to meet the challenge head on!  From the woods, Jack heard Mark scream out.  "What the hell are you doing"?!  Jack kept his eyes on the target, he just had to wait for a close enough shot.  The dragon began to open its mouth as it drew closer and Jack released the arrow.  The arrow whistled through the air and straight into one of the dragons nostrils! 

The dragon jerked its head back with a loud snarl, sharply heading back into the sky as it tried to snort out the arrow.  Jack let himself smirk a little.  He didn't think that would really work.  Quickly dropping back into the saddle, Jack tried to grab the reins to try steering into the wood line now, when the dragon dropped in front of them!  Argo's hooves scuffed hard against the dirt as he tried to stop.  The dragon's head jerked to stare at them with murderous eyes, its long tail whipping into Argo to knock them off the road and out into the lake!  Jack heard Argo's cry, before the cold lake water crashed in all around him.  Swimming back up to the surface, Jack gasped for air and quickly looked around.  Argo was making his was back to shore, where Mark was sitting on Tim.  Mark had his own bow out as he screamed out to Jack.  "GET DOWN"!

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