Part 136

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Jack crossed his legs, staring out at the beautiful sunset. Taking a deep breath, he opened up to Paarthurnax about everything. He told him about the council meeting, becoming the Archmage, and being the Emperor of all Tamriel first. Hanging his head, he sniffled out uneasily. "I just don't know if I can do this... They either look up to me or they hate me. I don't know when I lost control of my life." Paarthurnax lowered his head, tilting it to look at him with one big eye as he cooed out sweetly. "Some would argue that you never had control. There is an order for everything. A sunrise and a sunset. Things won't always go your way. You can't control what you don't fully understand. Everything provides something for another. There is a lot about mortals that even I still don't understand... but trust your heart, Mal Dovah. These things that you feel weigh you down... You are already. Did you not get them to agree to peace? Did you not seek to teach other mages wisdom in magical arts? It may not be what you dreamed it would be. But you are still you."

Jack lifted his head a little to look him in the eye with a small smile. Paarthurnax grinned broadly, adding with pride. "You are young, Mal Dovah. Your journey has only just begun. Don't fight the seasons. Change with them. Let every mistake grant you wisdom. Learn about your fears to find your courage. Then pass what you know to the next generation. So, that they may add to it. You'll see. A lot is expected of all of us, but we choose who we become from the way we carry our burdens." Jack's smile faded, thinking about the burdens of the past. Pulling up his long sleeve over his hand, he wiped his tears away and mumbled out reluctantly. "Speaking of burdens... The Blades approached me after. They say you deserve to die. I'm afraid they might-" Paarthurnax touched his warm nose to his shoulder to stop him. Raising his head to look out at the sunset, he answered in a calm soothing voice. "The Blades are wise not to trust me. Onikaan ni ov. I would not trust another Dovah. Not after all our kind has done."

Jack quickly climbed to his feet, asking in a broken voice. "Why shouldn't they trust you? You have helped me and guided me through all this!" Paarthurnax tilted his head to look down at him, replying with a grim tone. "Dovahkiin. Dov wahlaan feh rel. We were made to dominate. The will to power is in our blood. You feel it in yourself, do you not?" Jack shuffled his feet uncomfortably, lowering his eyes to the ground as he honestly said under his breath. "Yes... but-" Paarthurnax lowered his head more to be more at eye level again, before softly interjecting. "I can be trusted. I know this. But they do not. Onikaan ni ov dovah. It is always wise to mistrust a dovah. The past is doomed to repeat itself. Empires will rise and fall. Just as you rise for being who you are... So, too would my kind. We'd rise to help at the start... but eventually another hatchling like Alduin would arise. It is the flaw in our design. To be gifted with such power and knowledge... Only to be denied the control we need to keep the balance."

Jack shook his head, putting a hand on his big nose as he confidently stated out. "But you're not like that. Like you said... You have gained knowledge that could help the other generations of your kind." Paarthurnax heaved a deep sigh that ruffled Jack's hair, before telling him seriously. "I have overcome my nature only through meditation and long study of the Way of the Voice. No day goes by where I am not tempted to return to my inborn nature. Zin krif horvut se suleyk. What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" Jack straightened up to his full height, seriously retorting. "We are defined by the way we carry our burdens, right? I met my evil past and overcame him. You overcame your own evil. We'll both be stronger for it. Because we proved that it can be done. Your family Paarthurnax. I'm not losing you. You told me to trust my heart and I am. I trust YOU. You believe in me and I believe in you. I was made for a reason. I failed back then... I won't fail this time. I'll bridge the gap between our kind if it kills me."

A grin spread over Paarthurnax's face, but he nodded to him, boldly saying. "You fill me with such hope, Mal Dov. Be careful. This Dov they want you to call and trap... He's stubborn... but I know him. Don't let them hurt him... He's a brave soul. Appeal to him and he may help you." Jack hugged his nose, saying with a worried voice. "I will. Just... stay safe. I'm more worried about you." Paarthurnax purred loudly, nuzzling him as he replied. "Do not worry about me. I am ready for whatever happens. I'm at peace. I have faith in you and all I have taught you." Jack sniffled, chuckling out. "Don't say that... I still have so much to learn from you." Paarthurnax puffed warm air over him, chuckling back lovingly. "A lifetime's worth. But first, you must find Alduin." Jack reluctantly nodded, grimly saying. "I leave in the morning. I promise you, Paarthurnax... I will try to avoid killing him if I can." Paarthurnax lifted his head, telling him proudly. "I know you will try. But Mal Dov... You can't hesitant to kill him when the time comes. For he will not hesitate to kill you by any means necessary."

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