Part 28

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Mark backed away casually from Jack to stretch and yawn out.  "Well, I guess we better head over. The sooner we get over there, the sooner we can come back".  Jack watched Mark pick up a bag he didn't recognize.  Had he brought that in last night with his other bags?  Mark caught him staring at it and moved it behind his back, stating playfully.  "Hey! No peeking! Come on now".  Mark ushered Jack out the door, but it didn't stop Jack from asking aloud.  "What are you hiding"?  Mark shot him a sly grin, taking his hand as he lead him down the wooden stairs to the ground floor.  The Argonian tavern lady was leaning against the bar chatting softly with the male Argonian that Jack had seen last night.  The place was empty, so it was no surprise that they heard them coming down. 

The Argonian woman flashed them a bright smile, calling out to them cheerfully.  "Good luck, you two"!  The male Argonian chuckled, but not at them.  He seemed to be blushing as he patted the woman's hand.  Were they a couple?  Jack blinked a bit in confusion as Mark waved to the woman and lead him right out the door.  Narrowing his eyes on Mark, Jack asked him suspiciously.  "Mark? Did you tell anyone why we are here"?  Mark avoided his eyes, but the guilty smirk was a dead giveaway.  Jack swatted his arm and Mark reluctantly answered.  "They overheard me telling the priest of Mara. That's not my fault. It's a small town and word gets around fast. Besides with all the bad luck surrounding Riften, the people are just happy to finally have something good to talk about". 

Mark lead Jack through a small market circle, where everyone seemed to be listening intently to a man talk about some new product he had.  Mark lead him through a cracked stone wall and Jack took in the sight of the temple.  Much like the other building in Riften, it looked like it was falling into disrepair, but amazingly it still held a cheer about it.  Jack guessed it probably had something to do with the two healthy trees in the courtyard.  It lightened up the gloom of the place.  Made the temple look like it still had life.  Walking up the worn stone steps, Jack felt those butterflies swarm in his stomach.  Why did he still feel so nervous?  Mark set a hand on the old wooden door to the temple, but stopped.  Jack watched his expression change to a more troubled one, when he softly told Jack.  "It's still not too late for you to change your mind. You know I'm not the wealthiest man in Skyrim... You deserve-". 

Jack cut Mark off by nudging his arm and stating aloud confidently.  "The wealthiest man in Skyrim didn't fight in the pits to get me into the Mage guild. The wealthiest man didn't buy me Argo for my birthday. Mark, it's never been about what you can buy me. I love you because you care about me. We could get married in an alley and I would still feel the same way".  Mark squeezed Jack's hand tightly, a smile pulling at his cheeks.  To lighten the mood, Jack mumbled out softly to Mark in a playful voice.  "It's not to late for you to run, you know. I mean, who ever heard of a Nord marrying an Imperial Mage? Much less, one rumored to be the dragonborn. That's quite a bit of baggage. You sure you want to marry into that"?  A deep chuckle left Mark, before he told Jack with soft honest eyes.  "Of course. You're going to need someone to help carry the bags". 

Jack shoved him playfully and Mark pushed open the door into the temple.  The temple had a warm and cozy cottage like interior.  Straight ahead was a large bronze statue of the Goddess Mara and before her was a small table decorated with burning white candles and colorful flower vines that hung off the edges.  Behind the table a robed man was reading over a book in his hands.  When he noticed them enter, he closed the book and opened his arms up in welcome, telling them happily.  "Ah! You have arrived just on time! I'll inform your witnesses at once".  The robed man quickly moved around the table and started to head back toward the doors, when he stopped for only a moment to tell Mark.  "You can use my chambers, just there, to change. There is a curtain set up for you both. Please take your time".  Jack watched the priest leave out the doors they came through, before turning to Mark with a curious look. 

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