Part 56

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Jack forced himself to keep up as Mark lead them back out through the door to rejoin Esbern. Esbern was leaning against a dark wall, when they came through the door, whispering to them almost immediately. "I scouted a bit ahead and didn't see anyone, but stay close. Just in case". Mark nodded to Esbern, moving on ahead to scout for himself. Jack tried to hide his fatigue with small winded breaths. Placing a hand on the wall, Jack tried to keep himself upright. His legs were tired and all he wanted to do was get off his feet. Esbern walked closer, putting a comforting hand on Jack's shoulder, asking in a concerned voice. "Dragonborn? Are you alright"? Jack nodded as his answer. Esbern's grip on his shoulder tightened a bit as he asked. "Will you be able to keep up"? 

Jack forced himself to straighten up, taking a deep breath, before he answered more confident than he felt. "Ya. I'll be fine". Mark walked around Esbern to take Jack's hand, saying boldly. "We need to move". Esbern took his hand off Jack's shoulder, telling Mark just as boldly. "Yes. I'll take point. We move together. You watch our flank. We can't risk them sneaking up on us". Mark nodded, pulling Jack carefully out between them as they started to move back through the maze of tunnels. Esbern kept the pace slow and Jack greatly appreciated it. Silently, they made their way back up to the door to the Ragged Flagon. Opening the door, Esbern stepped out first. When nothing happened, he gestured with a hand for them to follow. The small tavern area was so eerily quiet now as they walked by.

All their eyes seemed to watch them pass with unreadable expressions. It was impossible to tell if they were happy or upset to see them. A few sipped from their mugs and resumed their quiet conversations, while others watched them leave out into the Ratway. Jack kept telling himself to hold on just a bit longer. They were so close to the exit now. He couldn't wait to smell fresh air and see Agro. Esbern headed for the tunnel with the bridge and slowed down to listen. Jack pressed his back against the wall by the lever, taking a moment. He was getting dizzy. Mark moved in closer to his shoulder, whispering out to him. "Hang in there, Jack. We are almost out". Jack tilted his head back against the wall, mumbling out. "Mark...I'm well past my limit".

Jack felt his legs shaking beneath him and started to slide down the wall, but Mark grabbed his arm to stop him. Pulling Jack back up against the wall, Mark told him sternly. "Oh, no you don't! Get on your feet, Jack! You're not passing out on me yet! Got it"! Esbern turned in their direction, before rushing forward to check the tunnel ahead. Jack tired to keep his eyes open, but his body was feeling heavy and he just wanted to lay down for a bit. Mark holstered his greatsword over his shoulder, then moved to stand in front of Jack. Mark smacked his cheek, telling him a bit loudly. "Stay awake, Jack"! Jack shook his head, rubbing his cheek as Esbern jogged back a little ways to tell them. "It's clear. Let's go"! Mark grabbed Jack's arm, forcing him off the wall and practically dragging him down the last tunnel.

The second they stepped out into the fresh air and fading sunlight, Jack stumbled to his knees. The air was more refreshing than he had ever hoped for. However, he was still so tired. Esbern kneeled down next to him, placing a finger to his neck, asking Mark quickly. "Why is he like this"? Mark shrugged, answering uncertain. "His magic drains a lot out of him. He used a lot of it on a mage back in the tunnels on our way to get you". Esbern glanced up at Mark with a worried look, asking curtly. "What kind of a mage was it"? Mark shrugged again, simply stating. "He used a lot of lightening bolts". Esbern moved his hand to Jack's forehead, mumbling out to himself. "I see. He's running a fever and he's got the shakes".

Mark quickly dropped to his knee, asking timidly. "What does that mean"? Esbern shrugged off his bag and began to ruffle through it as he answered distractedly. "It means that he's used up all his magic and then some. Don't worry, I can fix this". Mark wrapped an arm around Jack's shoulders, pulling him back against his chest. Jack's hands were starting to shake now. Esbern removed a small blue potion bottle from his bag, stirring it up as he told Mark bluntly. "When a mage uses too much magic, his body starts draining his stamina to compensate. If he uses more than his body can handle, then it could kill him". Jack felt Mark's arm tighten around his chest. The look on Mark's face said it all. Mark was blaming himself for allowing him to use so much magic to save him.

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