Part 51

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Jack stood a little shaken as he watched the guards quickly drag the bodies out of the town toward the woods. Overhearing one guard strain out to another as he dragged a male body out. "Maybe we can use these fuckers as bait to take out that pack of wolves we saw last night". The other guard dragging the woman's body, answered positively. "Aye! Will save us from having to bury them that way". Mark placed a hand on his chest trying to turn him away from what they were doing. In disbelief, Jack softly muttered out. "That's so disrespectful. How can they be allowed to do that"? Mark took his arm to pull him toward the horse, forcing him to look away. Once he had his attention, Mark moved in closer and showed him the paper. Jack pressed against Mark's side as Mark unfolded it. 

The paper had a strange design in the red wax seal that he didn't recognize. Neither one of them read it aloud for fear of the guards taking an interest. So, Jack silently read the words to himself. 'Board the vessel 'Northern Maiden' docked at Raven Rock. Take it to Windhelm, then begin your search. Kill the false Dragonborn known as Jack Mcloughlin before he reaches Solstheim. Return with word of your success, and Miraak will be most pleased'. Jack couldn't catch his breath. How did these people know his name? Why did they want him dead? Jack turned on his heels, practically jogging out around their house to the river. Dropping down to his knees in the snow, Jack dipped his hands in the freezing water to splash his face.

Mark slowly walked up beside him, kneeling down to whisper to him softly. "Jack, these cultists came from Morrowind. This is a Dunmer seal". Jack splashed his face again, muttering out shakily. "Ya? So? Why do they want me dead? How do they even know my name, Mark"? Mark folded the paper back up, discreetly stuffing it into his bag, answering calmly. "Word of you is traveling fast. We need to be careful. Most importantly... We need to see the Greybeards again". Jack's hands shook from the cold as he asked Mark curiously. "What? Why? We have to go to Riften". Mark pulled Jack's hands away from the water, staring him down with strong eyes. In a calm soothing voice, Mark told him gently. "That is going to have to wait. This is important. Jack... Morrowind used to be apart of Skyrim, until the Great War. It was only called Solstheim by the nords. Do you know what this means"?

Jack shrugged, his brain was too scattered at the moment to think clearly. Mark placed a warm hand to his freezing wet cheek, answering seriously. "It means a Nord sent that order. Jack... Miraak was last seen in Solstheim. We need to check this out. If there is even a chance that Miraak is still alive...". Mark trailed off, climbing to his feet quickly and pulling Jack up with him. Jack used his tunic sleeve to dry his face, finishing off for Mark now that he was calmer. "Then we've got to find him and kill him before Alduin does. Otherwise, we are looking at another Great War round two". Mark nodded solemnly, adding in. "The Greybeards might know something. This can't wait. We need to go now". They started to head back toward the horses, when the wind suddenly rustled the trees and a loud roar bellowed out over the sky.

Mark cursed as people began to scream out all around them. "DRAGON"! Mark grabbed Jack's wrist, yanking him toward the horses as he yelled out. "We just can't catch a break, can we"?! They both set to work untying the horses leads and strapping on their travel bags, when Jack winced in pain. Covering his forehead, he felt like he was suffering a brain freeze as a deep voice called out to him. "DOVAHKIIN! MU KRIF"! Mark reached out to touch his shoulder, asking very worried. "Jack"? Jack shook his head as the feeling faded, followed by another roar that sounded much closer. Jack gave Mark a swift nod, then mounted Agro quickly. Jack had just got comfortable in the saddle, when a white dragon soared out very the town. It circled overheard, its eyes scanning everything that moved with intense grey eyes.

Tim reared in fright and Agro shifted uncomfortably as the dragon jerked its massive head in their direction. Jack turned Agro toward the stone bridge, kicking Agro into a run. Mark followed with the dragon close on their heels. Tim barely cleared the bridge before a blast of ice breath engulfed it. The dragon growled frustrated, picking up speed as Agro picked up her pace to escape. Jack tried to coax Agro faster as the dragon descended fast behind him with its sharp claws at the ready. As fast as Agro was, she couldn't outrun this. Shifting in the saddle, Jack raised his hand toward the dragon sending out a burst of flames from his palm. The dragon cut its rapid decent just short of grabbing Agro and barrel rolled through the air to get away.

The Dragonbornजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें