Part 114

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Neloth led the way at a surprising pace. Jack had to practically jog to even stay within sight of him. While the ashy terrain slowed Mark and himself, Neloth was unaffected. He wondered if it was magic, or just the fact that he was an elf. Jogging along behind him, Mark asked him curiously. "So, that staff... What's so special about it?" Jack faked a gasp, clutching it to his chest like he was trying to cover Sam's precious ears. Mark shot him a worried look, but Jack dropped the act to inform him honestly. "Staffs are the most powerful thing a mage can own. Using soul gems, a mage can capture a soul and craft it into the staff. The more powerful the soul, the more powerful the staff. When the staff and mage work together, they can cast stronger spells without using hardly any of their own energy." Mark pulled Jack to a stop by his arm, allowing them both to catch their breath for a minute. As Mark panted softly, he asked him seriously. "So, in other words... Mage's steal souls to enslave them and make them do all the work?"

Jack stiffened a little, feeling slightly offended. Mark didn't appear to have processed the sharpness of his own words. Inhaling slowly through his nose, Jack answered Mark slightly defensive. "Believe it or not, Mark. A lot of people volunteer for it. People that are in bodily pain volunteer for it. People we can't help or save. Being a mage's staff is a great honor. It's a bond that is shared. The mage may like a staff, but the staff CHOOSES who deserves to wield it. They are not slaves." Jack's heart twisted in his chest. Mark looked up from the ground to stare at him with sudden guilty eyes. From farther ahead, Neloth yelled back at them. "Oh, do keep up! It's not much farther!" Jack turned away from Mark to leave, but Mark grabbed his arm to stop him. Jack refused to look back at him. In his hand, Sam pulsed with a feeling of comfort. Mark moved closer, whispering over his shoulder apologetically. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out like that... I... It's just what it sounded like to me..."

Jack slightly looked over his shoulder, uttering back softly. "I know... I don't mind you asking... It's when you say it like... Like I should be ashamed of what I am that hurts." Mark wrapped his arms around his shoulders, hugging him tightly as he told him sincerely. "I'm sorry. I don't know why it keeps coming out like that... I've never had a problem with mages before." From farther ahead, Neloth's impatient voice bellowed out. "What is the hold up?! Let's go!" Jack pointed Sam in Neloth's direction, mumbling to Mark. "You've been around mages like him. That's why. Skyrim mages are nothing like Cyrodiil's." Mark chuckled softly against his ear, retorting lovingly. "Thank the gods for that. I managed to marry a good one." Jack rolled his eyes, squirming in Mark's grip a little. Mark nibbled his ear for a second, making Jack giggle from how much it tickled. When he finally released him, Mark pulled up his cloth mask and told him sweetly. "Come on. Before Neloth blows something up."

Jack pulled his own cloth up over his nose as the wind blew ash into the air. Trailing up after Neloth again, Mark asked Jack curiously. "Just to be clear. A man named Sam lives in your staff?" Jack chuckled softly to himself, correcting innocently. "Sam is a young dragon soul." Mark skidded to a halt, asking perplexed. "Wait a minute... How is that possible? You told me before that soul gems couldn't hold a dragon soul... At least, until we saw that red one over the dwarven city." Jack patted Mark's shoulder, telling him happily. "You were listening to me. I'm so proud." Mark's eyes narrowed on him with a sarcastic look. Jack smirked, stating out sweetly. "I wasn't sure either until Sam told me." Mark took a deep breath with a look of concern. Jack waved a dismissive hand at him, saying confidently. "Don't give me that. It's the bond, I was telling you about. When I attuned to him, I got bits of his memory. Well, his 'soul gem' memory anyway." Jack turned to stop in front of Mark, holding up the staff to tell him excitedly. "Look at the staff. Notice anything?"

Mark took the staff to look it over, before answering casually. "I don't know much about staffs... but I'd say from looks... It's dwarven make and cast in the mold of a black dragon." Jack carefully took the staff back, informing him happily. "Exactly. We know the dwarves had a means to capture a dragon soul in that large soul gem. Now, do you remember what it said in the Dragonborn book? The dragon priests of old were given masks with power. They were more powerful than any Archmage. They commanded legions. What if that wasn't the only thing that made them powerful? What if-" Mark cut him off to say softly in shock. "The staffs were constructed from dragon souls to empower the dragon priests further. It would give them the power of a Dragonborn despite them not being one!" Jack nodded, adding excitedly. "Exactly. The dragons were trying to bridge the gap between them and humans long before anyone knew. Alduin simply dug his claws into unseen potential. Pinning human greed for power as a means for controlling the rest of the human race. Meanwhile, the other dragons had moved on to a riskier experiment. Creating a Dragonborn."

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