Part 127

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Jack wiped the tears of joy from his eyes. His sides hurt from laughing so hard. After fighting Cultists, Dragons, and Necromancers alike... Seeing a group run from a fight reminded him how human some people still were. Fear was still a thing and it felt strangely good to know that. The world hadn't gone completely fearless and blinded with conquest. Klipper kicked snow into the air, muttering more fowl things in his broken english. "Hate snow! Tried to eat Klipper!" Klipper took slower intakes of breath, glancing between their grinning faces. Placing his hands on his wide hips, Klipper narrowed his eyes and panted out. "Why you laugh at Klipper?!" Mark quickly cooled Klipper's mood by pointing to the abandoned torches on the road as told him. "Klipper, you just scared off a bunch of religious fanatics. They would have certainly killed us had you not burst from that snow." Jack tried to suppress his grin. While it wasn't the whole truth. It was a nicer way of putting it.

Klipper proudly posed with his spear, stating out to them smugly. "Yes. Was all part of Klipper's plan. Mighty warrior is me." Jack inhaled deeply, nudging Agro forward and extinguishing the torches with his frost spell. Mark leaned down with his hand extended for Klipper. Klipper puffed up his chest, running straight for Mark. Using his spear to leap up, he braced his feet on Mark's arm and used it to hop back up onto Tim's neck. The movement had been so graceful and quick that Jack had to do a double take to make sure they had Klipper. Klipper sat on Tim's neck, swinging his feet like a little kid as he cheered out and pointed his spear forward. "Tell mutant piggy to go!" Mark rolled his eyes, nudging Tim into a trot. Jack nudged Agro as Tim trotted up beside her. Allowing them to continue down the road together. The roads were pretty clear straight to the border of Whiterun Hold. The mountains and falling snow giving way to lush green forests.

Jack flipped his snow-covered hood back, shaking off the frost as the horses rode through the woods. They followed the road and made only short stops to stretch their legs and eat. Otherwise, Jack was too energized to stay in one place for too long. He felt stronger and more confident in himself... but mostly. He felt like he was one step closer to going home. While stopped on the side of the road for Klipper's sixth pee break. Jack removed his coat to put it away. It was getting too warm for a coat like that. However, it also left him exposed. Running his hand over his bare chest, he bit his lip. He needed new clothes in the worst way. He didn't want to ride naked... but he was overheating with the jacket and pants. So, for now he settled to ride shirtless. Climbing back onto Agro, Jack adjust himself and waited for Mark to come back. When Mark returned, he let out a playful whistle that made Jack blush a bright red. Covering his chest with an arm, Jack mumbled out embarrassed. "Mark... Don't do that."

Mark climbed up onto Tim, reaching out to stroke his knuckles down his bare arm. Jack let him touch him but didn't look at him. Mark leaned over to kiss Jack's shoulder, warmly telling him. "I'll get you some new clothes. Can't have the Dragonborn looking so..." Jack slowly turned his head to glare at Mark. The look dared Mark to try finishing that sentence. Mark flashed Jack a wicked smirk instead. Klipper leaped up enough to grab the saddle and Mark's leg. Climbing up onto Tim, Klipper looked him over with wide eyes and whistled loudly. Jack raised his hand to slap Klipper, but Mark caught his wrist. Klipper giggled, making smoochy lips at Jack. Jack raised his other hand, conjuring a spell for sparks. The sparks zapped from finger to finger in sharp crackling noises. Quickly Mark covered Klipper's perky lips and told Jack with a hesitant smile. "Come on, guys. Let's be civil now." Klipper continued to make kissy noises behind Mark's hand, causing Jack to threaten darkly. "Keep it up. You'll be the first Riekling to fertilize the ground of Skyrim too!"

Mark released Jack's wrist and nudged Tim into a trot to get away. Jack locked his jaw, keeping his arm over his chest protectively as he rode on after them. His eyes kept darting to the wood line for possible onlookers. Part of him knew that shirtless men was relatively normal in Skyrim... when they had bulging muscles to show off. Even with the muscles he had, he was still too lean to compare to these bigger Nords. Not to mention that he was paler than ninety-five percent of them. Mark kept glancing back to check on him. Jack rarely stayed in the back. Agro had a longer stride than Tim... but he didn't feel like being the first thing someone saw. Jack was starting to debate about putting his jacket back on. Heat stroke was starting to feel like a better plan as they drew closer to the farms on the outskirts of Whiterun. Mark spotted a few Khajiit with a large wooden cart coming down the road and rode up to them quickly. Jack stiffened, pulling Agro into a stop at a large distance. Traveling merchants.

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