Part 9

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Mark brushed the knuckles of his fingers down Jack's throat, breaking their long kiss to whisper softly.  "Get your ass in the tub. While you get cleaned up, I'll start dinner".  Mark turned away with a smile, but Jack stepped in to hug his arm.  Resting his cheek against Mark's bare shoulder, Jack desperately whispered.  "Mark, please don't go. Stay".  Jack felt Mark stiffen up, but his voice was still so buttery sweet.  "I'm just going to be right upstairs".  Jack wrapped his arms tighter around Mark's arm, mumbling guiltily.  "Please, Mark? I need you right now".  Mark turned into Jack to hug him with his free arm.  Jack didn't want to be left alone.  He was afraid his mind would wonder back to the darker memories from earlier today... and he just wanted the peace Mark's presence gave him.  Carefully, Mark pried him off and held his arm as he slipped into the tub.  Mark pulled a stool up to the tub, with a rag in hand.  Jack watched him take a seat, dripping his hand into the water to dampen the rag as he asked gently.  "Tell me everything that happened today".

Jack slumped farther down into the tub, until he could feel the water just under his chin.  Staring down into the water, he watched his hand slide over the smooth brass insides of the tub.  His voice barely above a whisper as he answered dryly.  "I don't want to think about it".  Mark lifted the rag from the water and wrung it out over Jack's head.  The water ran down over his face, straightening his bangs right into his eyes!  Shaking his head and taking a deep breath, Jack ducked under the water briefly.  When he came back up, he brushed his wet hair back off his face and shot a weak smile at Mark.  Mark didn't return it.  His arms were resting along the tubs edge and his fingers were just barely holding the rag on top of the water.  He looked serious, when he told him bluntly.  "It's eating at you. I can see it, Jack. Just tell me, or I'll go to Helgen and find out for myself".  Jack's hand shot out of the water to grab one of Mark's arms tightly.  Jack's mind drifted... he wasn't looking at Mark anymore, but at the large black dragon as it landed on the tower!  He could still feel the heat.  The way the ground shook.  The beasts thundering voice! 

Jack's mind slowly drifted back to Mark.  Mark was closer than he had been before though.  He was half leaning over the tub and cupping his face firmly.  Jack shakily took hold of Mark's wrists asking in a wisp of a voice.  "Mark"?  Mark slowly sat back, dropping his hands away from Jack's face, his voice full of worry as he answered.  "It's alright. I'm here. Breathe, Jack".  Jack swallowed hard as he realized he was pressed back against the side of the tub.  He couldn't recall doing that.  Mark pressed a soothing hand against his cheek, telling him warmly.  "You started thrashing around and mumbling something about a dragon. Jack... what are you not telling me"?  Jack could feel himself starting to shake uncontrollably, but he gripped Mark's wrist like it was the only thing keeping him alive.  Tears started to run down his face as he told Mark shakily.  "I can still hear their screams. I close my eyes and I see that things face staring at me. I can feel the heat on my skin. I... what's happening to me"?  Mark pulled him closer, wrapping him into a strong hug. 

Against his ear, Mark's voice sounded powerful in a comforting kind of way, when he said.  "You saw something that has scared you so bad that your brain doesn't know how to deal with it... so it's stressing out. I've seen it happen to warriors before".  Jack tightened his grip around Mark's neck.  He could almost feel Mark's question before he asked it.  "Did a dragon attack Helgen"?  Jack slipped away from Mark, hesitantly telling Mark.  "I know it sounds like I'm making this up... but Helgen is gone. I don't know if anyone, but Hadvar and I made it out. I've never seen anything like it. It wasn't anything like the books described. It was terrifying. I was so afraid that I couldn't even try to save this kid... The dragon reduced him to ash in seconds"!  Mark rose from his stool to pace the basement in silence.  After a moment, he told Jack seriously.  "Jack. If no one else made it out, then you have to inform the Jarl about this. People need to know it's out there".  Jack sank back down in the tub, defiantly snapping back.  "No! They won't believe me. 'I' don't believe me"!

Mark moved back to sit on the stool, pleading out carefully.  "Jack, please. You have to at least try to warn them. What if he attacks Riverrun"?  Jack bit his lower lip, staring at Mark with desperate eyes.  He didn't want to go. What if he got there and it got attacked?  Mark took a deep breath, before telling Jack simply.  "I'm leaving at first light for Whiterun".  Jack grabbed Mark's hand gently, begging hopefully.  "No. I'll go if you stay here".  Mark shook his head stubbornly, coolly stating.  "I'm going and your not going to change my mind. So, you'll just have to go with me".  Jack groaned loudly, snapping back.  "Mark! Listen to me just this once! You haven't seen this thing! It's huge"!  Mark reached into the tub to grab the rag, then started washing the blood off Jack's neck as he said calmly.  "I'm not going to let you wonder Skyrim by yourself. Your going to need me. I know the roads and the people. We go together".

Jack stopped Mark's hand from washing him to tell him nervously.  "Mark... you can't go. I'll be worried about you the whole time. I'll find my way. I always manage too".  Mark leaned in to kiss his forehead, before whispering sweetly back.  "You'll worry about me whether I'm with you, or not. We stay together and then at least we will know what happens to each other, right? Besides... I've got something I need to pick up in Whiterun anyway".  Jack straightened up in the tub, groaning out in annoyance.  He could never seem to win an agreement with Mark.  Flicking the water with his fingers, Jack numbly told Mark.  "Fine. So much for a welcome home party".  Mark ran a hand through his wet hair, then flicked the water from his fingers into Jack's face as he playfully told him.  "Finish your bath and I'll welcome you home like a true nord".  Jack reluctantly watched Mark head for the stairs, covering his mouth with his hand as he leaned against the edge of the tub.  The moment Mark had vanished from sight, his eyes closed and his mind drifted back to Helgen.

He could see the boy being engulfed in the intense flames one second.  The next, he saw the dragons head burst through the stone tower wall... their eyes meeting in a prolonged slow motion stare.  The background blurred around the dragons head suddenly and the dragon's fierce eyes narrowed in on him.  Jack's heart started to race.  This wasn't what happened?  Jack's eyes flew open just as a thundering voice he recognized as the dragons, called out loudly inside his head.  "Dovahkiin"!  Jack's hands shot up to cover his temples as he slipped under the water screaming out in agony!  His brain felt like it was on fire!  Behind his tightly closed eyes, he started seeing blurry visions of a grey stone archway that lead higher up along a storming snowy mountainside.... and at the clear snow covered top... his vison faded to black, but that same thundering voice repeated.  "Dovahkiin"!  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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