Part 49

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Jack tugged Mark's white wool tunic free and sat back down on Mark's thighs. Jack's breath caught in his throat and he swallowed a little nervous. Mark's upper body was still a bit of a shock to take in. He wasn't just strong. He looked it. With his broad shoulders, muscular arms, and defined six-pack. He looked like a warrior. For a moment, Jack felt inferior. His eyes stared a bit longingly at Mark's muscular build and his own hand instinctively touched his own stomach. He just couldn't help himself. It didn't make since why Mark would love someone like him. When compared to Mark... he looked... He didn't have the heart to say it. Turning his head, he thought about finding a spell later. When Mark purred deeply against his ear. "Don't do that, Jackaboy". 

Jack shrugged, trying to play innocent as he muttered out. "What? I didn't do anything". Mark raised a hand to turn Jack's head back with his warm fingers, his eyes narrowing in on him as he sternly growled back. "You're doing it again. If it bothers you that much, than I'll put my shirt back on". Jack rolled his eyes, grumbling out softly. "It doesn't bother me". Mark pressed his forehead to his, forcing their eyes to meet, before he told him sweetly. "Yes, it does. Jack... There is nothing wrong with you. You are healthy and that is all I care about". Jack leaned farther back away from Mark to mutter out. "I'm small and scrawny". Mark let out a deep growl, pulling Jack up against him, before telling him lovingly. "What's wrong with that? I love you this way. You're healthy and mine and that is all that matters to me".

Jack shrugged, rubbing Mark's warm arms shakily. He knew Mark was telling the truth. He just wanted to be perfect. Mark shook his head with a small smirk that made Jack smile. He could swear Mark could read his mind sometimes. He was just so observant. Jack took a deep breath, trying to change the subject by asking casually. "Mark? Do you still have that package I sent you a while back"? Mark raised an eyebrow, nodding as he pointed under the bed. Jack blushed clearing his throat as he leaned off the bed, asking shyly. "Did you open it"? Mark's hand started to rub Jack's ass, when he answered distractedly. "Ya. I don't get why you are asking about that now. You're not going to use magic on yourself are you..."?

Jack reached for the small box under the bed, honestly replying. "No. You'll see. I learned it from one of the mages at the guild. He said that it increases - OW"! Jack winced as a loud 'smack' filled the room. Followed by Mark's playful chuckle. Jack shifted back up with the box, rubbing his ass cheek and shooting Mark a scowl. Mark rolled his eyes, mumbling back playfully. "I couldn't help it. You were laying over me and it was too tempting". Jack bit his lip, adjusting over Mark's legs to open the box. The smack didn't hurt, but it had surprised him... In a good way. Mark tilted the box to peek inside, asking Jack curiously. "You were saying something about increasing..."? Jack rolled his eyes, mutter back just as playfully. "I was going to tell you. Now I'm just going to show you".

Jack removed a red silk scarf from the box, then gestured for Mark to lean in closer. Mark eyed him curiously, but leaned in to let Jack wrap it around his eyes. Jack wasn't sure Mark would let him do this... but Mark had blindfolded him during his first time. Feeling devilish, Jack finished tying the scarf and whispered Mark's own words back into his ear lustfully. "Relax. It's not about the finish line. It's all about how you get there". A smile spread across Mark's face as he purred back in an undertone. "Good Luck, Jackaboy". Mark slowly laid back against the bed, slipping his hands behind his head as he relaxed. Jack shook his head with a smile. Mark was so cocky. So confident that he knew what was coming. He'd never see this coming though. Reaching into the box, Jack removed a beautiful white speckled hawk feather.

Mark had teased him during his first time. So, Jack thought he'd increase the effect a bit. Turning the feather in his hand for a second, he placed a hand on Mark's shoulder. He couldn't physically hold Mark down, but he hoped that Mark would just let him do this. Lowering the feather in his other hand, he let its soft fibers lightly flutter down the center of Mark's chest. Mark's body was still, until the feather fluttered down his stomach. Mark sucked in his gut and his lips parted with a small inhale. Jack smiled, twirling the feather around the rim of his belly button, before going back up his body. Jack forced himself to move slowly. He wanted Mark to feel it. Trailing the feather across Mark's collarbone, Jack let it trail up one of Mark's arms. Mark shivered beneath him, muttering out a bit huskily. "You're going to have to do better than that, Jack".

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