Part 91

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Jack squeezed Mark's hand with confidence. He knew this decision was a big risk, but Mark was his strength to face the impossible. Mark nodded to him, reluctantly releasing Jack's wrists to let him lead the way. Jack nudged Agro on and Mark turned Tim to follow him. By sundown, they rode into sight of Winterhold. Jack stopped Agro to overlook the tiny broken town. The only lights in the fading light were coming from the Jarl's building and the Inn. Mark stopped Tim beside Agro, softly saying. "Something wrong?" Jack's eyes looked up at the large collage nestled on a separate land structure with only a stone bridge connecting the two land masses. In a slightly cold chattering voice, Jack told Mark numbly. "I don't know... I'm just feeling uneasy..." Mark rested a hand on his shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze as he told him warmly. "One step at a time. I'm right behind you." Jack nodded, pushing on. 

The town was quiet except for the noise from the tavern. As they rode by, Jack overheard the nords inside singing phrases of the 'The Dragonborn' song.  His breath caught in his throat and he slowed Agro. He still didn't know how to react to a ballad about him. Mark patted his back as Tim walked by him to lead the way now. Jack pulled his hood farther over his face, they had to keep going. As inviting as the warm inn was, time was of the essence. Mark lead him down the mountain path to the Sea Of Ghosts and crossed the thick ice. The snow was still falling in thick curtains, but there was no wind. Which made the journey more pleasant, despite the lingering cold. Petting Agro's warm neck, he listened to every sound in the eerie quiet. Shaking from the cold, Jack cupped his hands before his mouth to blow on them. Agro snorted a puff of warm breath from her nose in response and he told her lovingly. "Ya... I know. We shouldn't be here long though."

Mark pulled Tim to a stop outside the little door in the glacier, telling Jack over his shoulder. "Let's hope this goes quicker than last time." Jack dismounted Agro a bit stiffly from the cold. Hoping in place a bit, he retrieved his knapsack and removed the resist cold potion for Agro. Popping off the cork to the large bottle, he brought it to her lips and tilted it for her. While Agro drank, he told Mark. "Ya... We can only hope." Slipping the empty bottle back into his bag, he patted Agro's nose and followed Mark inside. Despite being made of ice, Jack was thrilled that the inside was warmer. Mark continued to lead the way down the ice made ramp to where Septimus paced with the cube still in hand. Again, he didn't seem to notice them. His eyes were fixed on the cube, his hands caressing over it lovingly and he muttered very softly to himself. Jack carefully removed the essence extractor from his bag, listening intently to what he was muttering about.

It was hard to tell, but it sounded like he was saying. "So close... So close... Soon... Very soon... He said so... Oh, what secrets do you hold?" Jack waited until Septimus turned in his pacing, before stepping in to hold up the extractor and inform him nervously. "I brought all the blood you require." Septimus snatched the extractor from Jack's hand, his eyes widening with a crazed excitement. Jack jumped back a step, feeling very unsettled. Septimus lifted the extractor to his ear, pressing the cool metal cylinders to his cheek as he excitedly purred out. "AH! I can almost hear them. I feel their life energy." Jack glanced back at Mark, who placed a cautious hand on the hilt of Green Glory. Jack didn't disagree. He wasn't sure what to expect now either, but he was getting goosebumps. Septimus lowered the extractor from his face, stuffing it quickly into his robes.

Then before Jack had time to react, Septimus grabbed the front of his tunic, yanking him toward his small table by the large book shelf. Mark removed Green Glory from its sheath, while Septimus stated close to Jack's ear. "Come. I will make the mixture!" Septimus shoved Jack into the single wooden seat roughly, causing the chair to almost fall backward. Jack managed to keep the chair upright, by snatching ahold of the small round table and the book shelf for support. For what appeared to be a feeble man, Septimus was deceptively strong! Almost magically so. Septimus dropped the cube on the little table that was scattered with alchemy tools and herbs that Jack didn't recognize. Mark cautiously strolled closer, getting within swords reach of Septimus. Jack was glad that Mark was on high alert, but he wasn't feeling so safe all of a sudden.

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