Part 104

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Mark tensed up in thought, then struck the wooden door with his hand. The door swung up easily to reveal a long hallway that had lethal heavy sharp bladed pendulums swinging within inches of each other. Frea merely glanced at the hallway, before asking the both of them cautiously. "What do you mean? What do you know about Miraak?" Mark rubbed his wrist, grumbling out as he scanned the hallway with his eyes. "It's a long story that we can fill you in on later. Right now, I think it is best if we press on. If they are trying to rescue him... Then we've got to get in there and stop them before they do." Frea stubbornly stood her ground, grabbing Mark's arm as she snapped out. "Tell me! How do you know this?!" Mark yanked his arm out of her grip, letting out a deep animalistic growl. Frea took a step back in shook, staring only at Mark's yellow wolf eyes. Jack quickly stepped between them, answering Frea hastily. "We don't know for sure... but we think the daedric prince, Hermaeus Mora, has Miraak. I was sent to go after him by Hermaeus Mora himself... and that gives me reason to believe that Miraak has found a way to escape his realm."

Frea blinked perplexed, mumbling out almost to herself. "That is not possible. No one escapes Apocrypha. If Miraak was taken there, than he would be lost forever." Mark snorted, leaning against the open doorway as he informed her boldly. "Think about who you're dealing with here... Hermaeus Mora is the daedric prince of 'knowledge.' Apocrypha is rumored to be a realm of knowledge beyond anyone's true understanding... Miraak wasn't some stupid dragonborn or dragon priest... He was intelligent. He had magic that even the dragons seemed to be afraid of. You really think he wouldn't find a way to get out of Apocrypha? He's been in there for years. I guarantee, that he has had nothing but time on his hands." Frea's eyes widened in horror as she uttered out scarcely. "You are right... This is very bad. The knowledge he might have learned from that terrible realm could be the end for us all..." Mark crossed his arms over his broad chest, grumbling out. "And you thought he was a tyrant before... from what I've seen, he's got everyone under his spell and he's not even here yet."

Frea pointed to Mark as an idea crossed her mind, causing her to say aloud. "The All-makers stones. He's found a way to use them to his advantage! Through them he can control the balance of nature. From beast, to animal, to plant... Everything. There is just one thing that vexes me... Why did Hermaeus Mora send you two to stop this?" Jack moved into the hallway to get a better look at the devices as he stated out. "Because I'm the last Dragonborn." Frea gawked at Mark, who gave her a knowing shrug. Frea then moved into the hallway, mumbling to herself. "The only thing that all dragons fear is the dragonborn... but that's impossible... unless..." Jack refused to look at her, allowing Mark to finish for him as he ventured into the hallway with them. "He's a descendant? Ya, we know..." Frea sighed heavily, then glanced at the pendulums to say slightly off subject. "I'm not going down there. It would be foolish to attempt it. However, you have a much better chance than I to make it through these traps."

Frea moved closer to Jack's side, pointing with her hand to show him a lever that she could see from her spot. The lever was positioned on the far wall passed all the bladed pendulums. Jack nodded when he saw it and she told him lightly. "I have no doubt that lever turns these blades off. Can you reach it, Dragonborn?" Jack stared at the swinging blades trying to see if he could time them, while he answered her softly. "I can try." Frea patted his shoulder comfortingly, then moved to take a seat on the floor as she replied casually. "I shall wait here for now." Mark moved up to him next, cautiously asking him. "Jack... You're not planning to run through them, are you? I've tried to time them myself... It's not possible. They are offset... Jack?" Jack put a loving hand on Mark's chest, telling him with a smirk. "I'm not going to run through them. That is insane. I'm going to walk through them." Mark's eyes widened in horror, but Jack reacted before Mark could stop him. Turning to face the pendulums, Jack took a breath and shouted out. "TIID KLO UL!"

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