Part 52

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Jack opened his eyes to see Mark sitting in a chair beside his cot. Mark's attention was focused on the Dragonborn book in his hands. He appeared to be searching for something. Jack propped himself up on his arm, asking Mark curiously. "What are you looking for"? Mark immediately closed the book in his hands, looking up at Jack as he answered calmly. "Just refreshing my memory on a few things. How are you feeling"? Jack slowly sat up, replying casually. "I'm ok now. Whatever it was has passed. How long was I out"? Mark leaned forward to hand him a mug of water, answering very gently. "A day and a half. Are you hungry"? Jack tossed the blanket off his legs, swinging his legs off the cot as he answered startled. "Shite! We should have been on the road to Riften by now"! 

Mark handed the mug of water off to Jack, before putting a firm hand on his shoulder, saying a bit worried. "Jack, don't push yourself. Rest a bit". Jack downed the water in the mug. Then climbing to his feet, he handed the empty mug back, saying confidently. "I've rested long enough. We don't have time to waste". Mark set the mug down, slipping the book back into Jack's knapsack as he grumbled out. "Well, maybe they'll listen to you". Jack gave Mark a curious look and Mark straightened up to his full height with a shrug. As Mark strolled with him down the hall, Mark told him in a grumbling voice. "I tried to discuss our recent encounter with the cultists... but Arngeir has been avoiding me like the plague. He doesn't like that I'm here".

Mark lead Jack into another hallway across the way, stating coldly. "I saw them all sneak off this way when I went to feed the horses". Jack placed a hand on Mark's arm, telling him sympathetically. "I'm sorry, Mark. They shouldn't treat you like that". Mark rolled his eyes, taking Jack's hand in his as he replied positively. "I couldn't give a skeever's ass about them. I'm here for you. It's not like the Greybeards have ever helped Skyrim in the past anyway. In some ways, they are worse than mages. No offense". Jack shrugged in response. He was getting used to it and Mark just needed to blow off steam anyway. Jack pulled Mark short at the sight of the Greybeards all sitting around the table in the council room. Arngeir had been speaking to them softly in a low voice, when one of the Greybeards pointed in their direction with a bony finger.

Arngeir shifted in his chair to look, before humbly addressing him in a weary voice. "Ah, Dragonborn. You are awake. How may we assist you"? Jack moved into the room with Mark right behind him. The fact that Arngeir's eyes flicked to Mark and his happy demeanor dropped a bit, did not go unnoticed by Jack. Jack straightened himself up to his full height, addressing them all. "I need to know everything you know about Miraak". The Greybeards all stiffened at the mention of the name and glanced around at each other nervously. Arngeir folded his hands into his long grey sleeves, stating coldly. "Why would you want to know about such a thing? His time is long past and any memory of him should stay back there". Mark removed the note from Jack's knapsack, handing it off to Jack.

Jack raised the note so that they all could see the wax seal as he announced in a loud clear voice. "I was attacked on the road by his followers! According to this note... Miraak could very well still be alive. So anything you know might be useful to me in case I run into him". Arngeir huffed sarcastically, stating out. "That isn't possible. There has never been two dragonborns at the same time. The gift is only given to a single person and only passed on as the previous one dies. If he were alive, you would not have the gift. Simple as that. Whoever sent that must have been trying to scare you. I've tried to tell you that your power would scare people. You should consider staying here if you feel threatened". Jack lowered his hand as he watched the Greybeards all nod silently.

Arngeir raised a hand to place on his shoulder, saying much calmer. "Dragonborn. Please-". Jack shrugged off his hand, sternly cutting him off to ask seriously. "Miraak. What do you know about him? If he is dead, than telling me shouldn't be a problem". Arngeir sighed, answering in a low steady voice. "Such knowledge is not something you should burden your young mind with. He has been erased from history for a reason. He should remain forgotten". Mark rolled his eyes, uttering sourly to Jack. "Sounds like someone else we know". Arngeir shot Mark a stony glare of curiosity, but Jack intersected to ask calmer. "The Greybeards know everything about Skyrim, do they not? Even the lost histories of it. That's what you do up here is obtain knowledge. Now stop wasting my time and just tell me, please"!

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