Part 58

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Delphine didn't wait for them. She simply rose up off the table and headed straight for the stairway without looking back at them. Jack noticed Mark's smug smirk as he watched her storm up the steps. He had suspected that Mark was trying to do anything to get under Delphine's skin. While he was just following the facts. Esbern patted Jack's shoulder, before stashing the book back into the knapsack and handed it back off to Jack. Esbern then followed Delphine up, while Jack shot Mark a dark look. Mark shrugged back at him, telling him in an undertone. "Don't give me that look. I didn't do anything except pick a side. Same as you". Jack slung the knapsack over his shoulder, stating out as he passed by Mark. "I understand that, but you did it just because you don't like her". 

Mark scoffed loudly, following him up the steps as he added in. "She was being rude to Esbern. I know you saw it too". Jack stopped at the top of the steps to give Mark a small acknowledging shrug, reluctantly answering in a soft whisper. "Yes. I did. I just... I was worried you were being too blunt about the whole thing. Deliberately undermining her could cost us". Mark rolled his eyes, playfully smacking Jack's ass as he passed, mutter out. "What will it cost us to loose her? Esbern is the one we truly need". Jack sighed heavily, following him out of the room. Delphine was waiting impatiently for them with an anxious Esbern at her side. Once she saw them, she straightened up to tell the bartender aloud. "Orgnar, The bar is yours. I'm sure that I might never be back here again". Orgnar stopped whipping down the wooden bar with a towel, looking her over a little startled by the news. His expression made it seem like he was going to ask where she was off too, but his voice came out low and tender as he watched her leave, saying after her. "A safe journey to you then".

Jack almost wondered if the bartender liked her and wished she wouldn't leave. The thought quickly left him though. He had too many things to worry about on the road ahead of them. Together, they gathered up supplies for the journey, before mounting up. Delphine took one last look at the Inn, then pulled her white mare toward the road they were to follow. Esbern's bay gelding trotted off behind Delphine, while he removed a map from his bag to look over. Jack trotted Agro alongside Tim. It was weird traveling with other people. He really preferred just traveling with Mark. Sure, there was safety in numbers. However, it was easier to travel undetected without so many people to draw in everyone's attention. Jack's biggest worry though was internal fighting. Mark and Delphine in particular.

They hadn't even traveled for a full day, when the tension broke out between them. They had taken the road around Lake Ilinalta and were approaching the border into Whiterun Hold, when Mark pulled Tim to a halt, calling out to Delphine in the front. "Why are we taking the road to Rorikstead"?! Delphine slowed down, turning her horse across the road to snap back at him like he was an idiot. "Because that is where we are going. Once we reach Rorikstead, then we should find an old road that should lead us to the location on Esbern's map". Mark groaned sourly, pointing off the trail as he stated back. "That is going to take us the long way around. We should cut across country and stay within the borders of The Reach. It will cut us half a days travel and save our supplies".

Delphine shifted uncomfortably in her saddle, growling back at him through clenched teeth. "If we go THAT way, than we risk running into the forsworn! We are staying on the road and going around. We won't get ambushed this way". Mark rode up to Esbern, telling her stubbornly. "Fine. We'll see about that. Esbern? You said this Temple was in The Reach, right"? Esbern reluctantly nodded and Mark quickly asked him. "Alright. So, tell us then... After all these years do you think that path to the Temple still exists? And if it does, do you really want to ride right up to the front door with Forsworn ready and watching us do it"? Delphine sharply butted in then, practically screaming out. "You don't know that, Nord! The place could be abandoned"!

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