Part 99

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Jack stood speechless to Mark's confession. He could change at will? Mark guided him over to the bed, coaxing him to sit. Kneeling in front of him, Mark rubbed his legs comfortingly. Jack took a few deep breaths, mumbling out slightly shaky. "It's a lot to take in... The day has only just started, and I feel exhausted." Mark chuckled softly, then patted Jack's thigh as he climbed back up to his feet. Mark cupped the back of Jack's neck, pulling him in enough to kiss his forehead tenderly. The kiss was brief, but Jack enjoyed it. For just a moment, he forgot about his brewing headache. Mark then leaned back, telling him sweetly. "You should get some more rest. You have a long night and you'll need your strength." Jack huffed sarcastically. Narrowing his eyes on Mark, he muttered out dryly. "If anyone had a long night it was you. How do you have so much energy?" Mark ruffled Jack's hair, smiling back at him when he answered playfully. "The wolf fed and feel stronger than ever. Restless almost. So, you get some more sleep. I'll stand watch."  

Jack shook his head, then winced. His headache was getting worse. Mark's hand moved to place his wrist to Jack's forehead. With a slight look of concern, he told him hopefully. "You're warm... Lay down and I'll get you some water." Jack didn't want to move, but let Mark guide his shoulders down across the bed. Compared to the flat floorboards and itchy straw... The little cot felt amazing. Lazily, he watched Mark cross the room to remove a canteen from his bag. When he returned, Mark sat on the edge of the bed, sweetly telling him. "Here. I'll see if I can make you some soup." Jack smiled despite himself, lifting himself up enough for Mark to help him drink. He could have taken the canteen from him, but he liked when Mark took care of him. Mark's thumb brushed admiringly over Jack's cheekbone as he drank. After he drank down half of the canteen, Mark rubbed Jack's chest and told him in a deep voice. "Try to get some sleep for me."

With a heavy sigh, Jack turned over and snuggled into the feather pillow. Before he knew it, sleep had taken him, and he fell into a lovely dream. A dream that had them camping in a lush forest by a lake and Mark was making something that smelled mouth watering. Walking up on him, Jack draped his arms over his shoulders. Mark kissed one of his arms, asking him sweetly. "Are you hungry?" Jack let a soft moan out as his stomach growled loud enough for Mark to hear. Mark flashed him a bright grin, giving him a kiss, before telling him. "It's almost done." The dream felt so real... until it wasn't. A loud 'BANG' from the ceiling, jerked Jack upright in bed with a start. While his mind slowly woke up and he realized that he was alright, he groaned with disappointment. His dream had made him so hungry. From the corner of the room, Mark asked him with concern. "Everything alright?" Jack bowed his head as he grumbled out. "No... I was just about to eat something amazing..." Mark laughed loud enough that it drew his attention to him.

Mark was sitting at a table stirring a pot that was steaming hot. Jack swung his legs off the bed, asking excitedly. "Where did you get that?" Mark rolled his eyes, answering honestly. "I asked the cook if I could use his kitchen. He did. So, I made you some soup. I was going to wake you once it cooled down." Jack rose off the bed, sniffing the air. It was the smell from his dream. The smell of cream filled his nose and he headed over to peek into the pot. Mark shook his head with a wide grin, mumbling out. "You're adorable." Jack peeked into the pot, replying with a small smile. "I know. Is it ready yet?" Staring into the pot's contents, he licked his lips. The liquid was thick and creamy with what looked like potato skins and some flaky green herbs. Mark rose from his chair, pushing Jack back with a gentle hand as he told him casually. "It will have to do. Otherwise, you'll just stand there and drool." Jack swatted Mark's arm innocently as Mark poured him a large helping. Taking the bowl, Jack dropped into a chair to taste it.

The taste of warm milk and buttery potatoes rolled over his tongue, causing him to moan softly. Mark poured himself a bowl, taking his seat again as he asked curiously. "You like it? It's a potato and leek soup." Jack only nodded, because he was too busy practically wolfing it down. Mark took his time eating and making small talk to fill the silence. After Jack finished his third bowl, he finally addressed Mark in some pleasant conversation. "Oh, man... Skipping dinner last night was an awful idea." Mark dipped a piece of bread into his soup, retorting with a smug smile. "Next time, I'll pack you a doggy bag before I transform." Jack watched Mark eat the bread, trying not to chuckle. Twirling his spoon around the empty bowl, Jack asked him more seriously. "So... How is the crew? You know... After last night?" Mark sighed reluctantly but answered numbly. "Tense. After their little funeral thing for that son of bitch... Well, they've kept their distance from me. I don't really mind. It's just irritating when you try to ask them something and they give you one-word answers."

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