Part 6

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Jack followed Hadvar into a small stone tunnel that appeared to be boarded up from the outside.  Hadvar sighed softly to himself, pointing to the long rusted leveler on the floor by the wall.  His voice dry, but hopeful as he told Jack.  "Let us hope the dampness hasn't rusted this thing too badly".  Hadvar rubbed his hands together, then took a firm hold on the metal leveler.  Jack stood watching as Hadvar's muscles flexed when he shoved his full weight into it.  With a groan he released it, spitting back bitterly.  "FUCK! The damn thing must be rusted into place"!  Jack slipped between the leveler and the wall, asking Hadvar confidently.  "Come on. Let's try again. If we both try it might shift".  Hadvar shot him a grim look, before shrugging his shoulders and gripping the leveler again.  Jack counted to three and they both shoved their weight into it.  For the first few seconds, it didn't even budge... then with a sharp shrill squeal it slowly turned over.  Both Hadvar and Jack panted loudly as the boarded up wall fell away into a bridge. 

Hadvar clamped Jack hard on the shoulder with a broad grin, telling him happily.  "You may look scrawny, but ya got some muscle on ya! Come on, this way! Let's see where this goes"!  Jack rubbed the shoulder Hadvar had hit, trying to smirk as he followed him across.  Of course to a six foot muscle toned nord, he was scrawny... He preferred to call it a lean muscle build.  The moment they stepped off the bridge to the other side, the dragon roared loudly overheard sending impact tremors through the ground.  Dirt rained down from the ceilings and pieces of rocks.  Behind them, a large group of rocks came crashing down on top of the little bridge!  Splintering the bridge into splinters and barricading the way back.  Hadvar stared at the large fallen rocks, softly saying aloud.  "I guess we're lucky that didn't come down on top of us".  Jack stepped farther into the room to admire the waterfall washing down into another dirt tunnel.  Pointing to the tunnel, Jack told Hadvar over his shoulder.  "We should try and follow the river out".  Hadvar strolled up next to him to see where he was pointing better, calmly admitting.  "This place is a dead end. So, it sounds like a safe bet". 

Hadvar descended down the stone steps and waded into the ankle deep water to enter the tunnel.  Jack praised the fact he was wearing boots.  He could only imagine how cold this water was.  Hadvar flashed him a smile over his shoulder, telling him as he lead the way.  "Looks like there's a way out just ahead. Come on".  While Hadvar lead on, Jack tried to follow close behind.  He was just about to try and cast a spell for more light, when he tripped into Hadvar.  Hadvar turned slightly to check on him... but both their eyes were drawn to Jack's hand.  Jack slowly pulled his hand away from the wall and with it came a thick white web.  Hadvar gripped his sword tighter, whispering in a hushed tone.  "Frostbite Spiders. I HATE Frostbite Spiders".  Jack straightened up, removing the iron dagger from his belt to cut the web off his hand as he asked just as softly.  "What the hell is a Frostbite Spider"?  Hadvar kept wide eyes on the path ahead, answering a little shaky.  "I keep forgetting you're not from here. Frostbite Spiders are these VERY large poisonous spiders. They spit venom and at their smallest are about the size of wolfs. At their biggest... Well, I've heard they get to be as big as houses".  Jack cut the last few strands of the web, feeling like he swallowed his tongue.

Hadvar gestured with his sword farther up the tunnel, saying nervously.  "I don't know how many might be here... but if it's a nest".  Hadvar give him a look that suggested he might leave him behind.  So to ease the tension, Jack shot back playfully nervous.  "Ya, well... I wouldn't hold it against you... but be warned. I'm a fast runner and when I take off, I'm gone".  Hadvar smiled, straightening up as he added smugly.  "Aye, but how will you know your way out of here without a guide"?  Jack sheathed his dagger and pulled out his sword, replying with a small chuckle.  "Don't die and I won't have to find out".  They nodded in silent agreement, before continuing a short distance farther into the tunnel.  Up ahead, was a large open cavern, lined with thick spider webs.  Hanging down from the high cavern ceiling were dead people and Skeever Rats, all wrapped up in thick white webs.  Hadvar pointed to the corners of the room in turn.  Pointing out all the Frost Spiders he could see.  Hadvar had been right.  They were BIG.  They didn't have spiders like this in Cyrodiil.

These Frostbite Spiders were about the size of children at full height.  Four in total.  Jack took in a deep breath of courage.  He could handle these.  Hadvar grabbed his arm tightly to keep him from stepping out into the cavern.  Shooting him a stern glare, Jack watched him point up with eyes wide in silent horror.  Slowly Jack turned back and looked up.  The ceiling had a large round hole that lead up even higher... Jack hadn't noticed it was a hole because it was shrouded in so much webbing that it looked like nothing.... only now there was a much larger spider slowly sliding down on its string to examine the hanging bodies.  Jack felt his courage melt away.  This Frostbite Spider was as big as a horse!  Jack tore his eyes away from the spider overheard, looking for an exit.  There was another tunnel... but no way to get to it without alerting the spiders.  Biting his lower lip hard, Jack told himself in a hushed voice.  "I'm not dying here"!  Choosing not to think about it, Jack strolled calmly into the cavern. 

The Frostbite Spiders immediately spotted him and came running as fast as they could.  While the one high above him slowly started to lower itself to the ground to join the hunt.  Raising his hand, Jack casted the spell for a mage-light.  The tiny ball of light was so bright in this dim cave that the Frostbite Spiders halted in their tracks.  Squealing softly as they retreated from it.  All except the largest Frostbite Spider.  The bright light didn't seem to effect him the same way.  Jack gripped his sword hilt tighter and yelled out aggressively to psych himself up for the fight.  "WELL?! COME ON"!  The large Frostbite Spider reared up and a green liquid shot out at him!  Jack jumped away to the side, feeling the warm venom splash his arm.  Hadvar dashed out from the tunnel then to attack the smaller spiders, while he had the bigger one distracted.  The large Frostbite Spider charged him, and Jack lost focus to keep the mage-light going.  The spider drew so close that Jack could smell the scent of decay and blood.  Raising his sword he uttered the spell for flames.  THAT got the bastards attention!  The large spider stopped charging and began to wave it's long front legs at him threateningly!  It wanted to attack him, but the flames in his hand were enough to keep him away. 

Jack didn't hesitate, he extended his hand and a burst of flames engulfed the large spider!  The large spider screamed and began to retreat as its body burned.  Jack tried to force himself to keep the flames going... but the fight from earlier had taken a lot out of his energy.  Slowly the flames from his palm began to flicker and die out.  Jack dropped to his knees, feeling exhausted.  Hadvar called his name, but Jack was too busy staring into the few good eyes of the large spider.  It approached him.  Blackened and stiff... and angry!  Jack clenched his teeth, taking a tighter hold on his sword.  As the large spider lunged for him, Jack throw all his anger into his thrust!  Plunging the sword deep into the large spider's head.  Jack released the blade and the spider slumped to the ground in front of him.  Jack dropped his head, trying to catch his breath.  His heart felt like it was miles away.  He struggled to kill a spider?  How did Mark ever get up the strength to fight with a Minotaur?  Hadvar approached him, asking in a panic.  "Did he bite ya? Did he spit at ya"?  Jack lazily raised his soaked sleeve, saying weakly.  "He missed".

Hadvar quickly dug around in his pocket, pulling out a small potion bottle, while he snapped back seriously.  "No. He got you. That shit gets absorbed into the skin. Here. Drink this, quick".  Jack shook his head.  He was just tired.  He just needed to rest.  Hadvar grabbed his jaw forcefully, prying his mouth open to pour the contents down his throat!  The liquid tasted weird in his mouth, but he swallowed it.  When Hadvar released his jaw, he kneeled down beside him asking curiously.  "Where are you headed, Jack"?  Jack's mind felt fuzzy, but he answered honestly.  "Riverwood in Whiterun".  Hadvar placed a hand firmly on his shoulder, telling him proudly.  "On my honor, Jack. I will help you get home. Can you stand"?  Jack shrugged and started to climb up on his feet.  Hadvar helped to steady him, playfully telling him.  "I told you. I HATE Frostbite Spiders. Just be glad there is no giant snakes".  Jack smirked, jesting back.  "Too cold for them up here".  Hadvar chuckled, helping Jack slowly walk toward the other tunnel, as he added casually.  "The potion should have you feeling great here in a minute... if not I'll give you another one. I'm not sure how potent their venom is as they get bigger".  Jack was already starting to feel a little better.  He hoped that just like scorpions, the bigger they were the less venomous they were.  To Be Continued...                                                                                                                                                    

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