Part 101

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Jack shook as every cell in his body screamed at him to run and get as far from Solsthiem as his legs could take him. Miraak's laugh filled his mind, blocking out every thought and sound. Strong hands yanked on his shoulders, trying to turn him around. Jack resisted it and bent forward to curl himself up. He didn't want to turn around and see Miraak. Through Miraak's menacingly laughter, he could hear Miraak teasing him by calling his name behind him. He wanted him to turn around. Wanted him to look at him. Jack shook his head, screaming louder to block out the noise. The hands gripped tight enough to leave bruises as they pulled at him. They pulled him hard enough that he fell into the water on his side to avoid obeying. The strong hands quickly grabbed his wrists, dragging him from the muddy water before he got the idea to drown himself to end the fear in his soul. Jack closed his eyes, kicking and thrashing to stay in the water. The strong hands returned to his shoulders, squeezing them as they shook him. Jack refused to look, extending his hands out to release a burst of flames from his hands.

Opening his eyes just a little, he saw the flames sear over an invisible shield and closed his eyes again in terror. Miraak had a damn field around himself too! Tears streaked down his cheeks like rivers as his body started to think about giving in and expecting defeat. The hands grabbed the sides of his face in a gentle but firm grip, while Miraak's voice ordered him heatedly. "LOOK AT ME!" Jack bowed his head, shaking his head violently despite the hands trying to stop him. The hands thumbs pressed under his jaw to keep him from looking down, tilting his head back as Miraak yelled out in a darker voice. "JACK! LOOK AT ME! IT'S ME! STOP!" Jack stopped trying to shake his head to listen more carefully. Why did that sound off? Miraak's voice had a strange soft echo in the background that didn't sound like him. The voice sounded familiar as it shouted to him. "Jack! Come back to me! Baby, please don't do this!" Jack stiffened up curiously. Why would Miraak call him 'Baby?' That didn't make sense... Did it?

Slowly opening his eyes, his vision was fuzzy as he kept seeing flashes of black robes with gold scales then flashes of familiar armor. The hands caressed his face lovingly, telling him in a softer voice. "There you go. Baby, come back..." Jack's vison cleared up, bringing Mark's worried face into clear view. Mark pressed his forehead to Jack's, whispering with astonishing relief. "Oh, thank the gods... I thought I lost you." Jack's body still shook violently, but he wrapped his arms around Mark's neck. Pulling him tight against him, Jack buried his head in Mark's neck to hide from the world. Mark's strong arms wrapped around him protectively, snapping out angrily to someone close by. "What the fuck did that thing do to him?!" Neloth sounded really impressed as he told Mark lightly. "Oh, how fascinating... Your friend appeared to have fallen under whatever influence that is affecting the others. Ah! But he was able to resist the effects. Such an impressive will. I would not advise him touching the stone again. It seems it comes with the after-effects of a quite powerful 'Fear' spell."

Mark let out a deep thunderous growl, asking Neloth through gritted teeth. "How do I cure it?" Neloth answered in a dry careless tone. "Try a healing potion. I need to get back to work." Mark scooped Jack up into his arms, snapping out heatedly. "Where is the nearest inn?" Neloth scoffed sarcastically, scribbling something down in his floating journal as he distantly stated out. "You must be new here... There is no inn in Solsthiem. Just a bar. If you're looking for lodging though. I've heard the poor huddle in a small abandoned house just down the road. Try that." Mark turned away from Neloth, assessing the road back to town or the road leading off to what looked to be a tower in the distance by the coast. Jack huddled as close to Mark as he could, placing a hand to his cheek to make him look at him. When he did, Jack's voice shook with heartbreaking fear as he pleaded desperately to Mark. "Mark, please... Take me home. Let's go home. I don't want to be here... Please?!" Tears fell from Jack's eyes and Mark tried to tell him softly. "Jack, we can't-"

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