Part 129

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Jack turned on his heel to leave as Jarl Balgruuf told him contently. "Aye. With any luck, you'll be able to stop these dragons and this war in your bargaining. Now if you don't mind, I've got a city to keep." Jack skidded to a halt, glancing over his shoulder to give the Jarl an icy glare. He couldn't believe the Jarl was still trying to pick a fight with him after everything he had seen him do. The Jarl gestured for a goblet to be brought to him, when he added out absently. "Keep in mind, Dragonborn. Ulfric can use the Thu'um too. And he can still be arrested for treason. Tread lightly. You may call yourself a leader... but a leader without land or men is no leader. He's just one man." Jack forced his eyes forward, loudly announcing to all those listening as he made his way out. "This one man has killed and tamed dragons. What has your army done lately?" Jack clenched his jaw, trying to rein in the urge to use magic to blow out every fucking fire in the hall. A few of the Nord guards quickly stood at attention as he passed by them.

The guards at the doors waited until he was in range before they opened the double doors for him. Stepping out, Jack began to mutter to himself. "What a pain in my fucking arse!" Running up beside him, Klipper made a show of blowing a raspberry back at the keep and saying something fowl in his native tongue. A guard turned his attention on Klipper and Klipper jumped at him mockingly with a frustrated growl. The guard yelped, toppling off the bridge and into the water with a loud splash. On his other side, Mark kept pace with him casually asking him. "So, what do we do now? It will take us four days to get to Solitude on horseback and five to go from Solitude to Windhelm. Even sending a messenger hawk will take a few days. We were just at Windhelm too... that jackass." Jack stormed down the steps, telling him in a defiant tone. "We're going to High Hrothgar, but we're not riding there. I won't take the risk of sending a message that they'll just ignore. I'm going to make an entrance and make sure they listen to me. I don't have time to deal with their political bullshite."

Mark furrowed his brow, asking perplexed. "Ok. So, how are we getting there then?" Jack reached the last step and approached the guard holding their horses. Giving the man a warm smile, he casually asked him. "Is there a place here that specializes in Alchemy arts?" The guard thought for a moment, then pointed down toward the lower district, answering respectfully. "Aye, Sire. Across from the Bannered Mare Tavern. A little shop called 'Arcadia's Cauldron.' Very nice woman. She might have what you're looking for." Jack patted his shoulder, thanking him with a smile. The guard seemed shocked that he had touched him. Mark took the reins from the guard, thanking him for himself. Klipper leapt up onto Tim's back, swing his legs like a kid in the saddle. Mark followed Jack through the crowds toward the lower district, wearily slipping out. "Jack, what are you doing? We're broke. We can't afford herbs... Let alone, rare ones." Jack sighed softly, mumbling out grimly. "I know. But I have to try."

Approaching the little building, Mark stayed outside with Klipper and the horses. Slipping inside, the strong smell of heavy incense filled his nose. A thick herbal fog hung in the air as a woman stood stirring a pot in the center. The woman looked up at him, her voice sweet and loving as she said. "Oh? A customer. Welcome. Feel free to look around or ask about anything in the shop." Jack looked over the shelves of herbs but didn't see the ones he needed. The woman dusted off her hands off, approaching him timidly as she nervously asked. "Are you looking for something in particular?" Jack nodded, replying hopefully. "Yes, actually. I'm looking for powdered Void Salts, Canis Root, Hagraven Claw, Glow Dust, and Wisp Wrappings." The woman let out a low whistle, before commenting with a light chuckle. "Some powerful stuff. What are you making?" Jack watched her walk around the wooden counter, before resting his hands on it and saying sweetly. "Experimenting with a new spell."

The woman pushed her long wavy black hair over her shoulder, then bent down behind the counter. She slid a panel aside, professionally asking. "How much do you need?" Jack thought about it, then told her with a slight wince. "Four of everything." She began piling the ingredients on the counter, questioning him absently. "Ok. I charge by the ounce. Is that alright?" Jack bowed his head, drumming his fingers on the counter anxiously as he mumbled out. "Ya... about that..." The woman froze, her eyes darting up to meet his with sudden weary suspicion. Jack raised his head to meet her eyes more clearly, admitting to her honestly. "I know it's hard to understand, but I need these. I don't have time to find them myself. I'm sure if you go to the Jarl, he'll pay off my debt." The woman crossed her arms firmly under her chest, mumbling out. "You expect me to hand over rare ingredients on nothing but your word that the Jarl might reimburse me?"

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