Part 118

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Jack watched the cluster of glimmering Slaughterfish turn to stare at the source of the light. Their long narrow mouths opened aggressively to show off their razor-sharp teeth, moments before they darted through the water for him. They were only a foot and half long, but there were lots of them. Mark tried swimming down to the bottom faster. It wasn't fast enough though. The Slaughterfish swarmed around them, biting down on any part of them. Their teeth tapped against Mark's armor uselessly, allowing him to punch and cut a few with the dagger from his boot. While Jack wasn't so lucky. The Slaughterfish torn into his clothes seeking out his flesh. Jack hit a few with Sam, when they started biting him. Jack screamed underwater. Their teeth were long and sank deep into his arms, legs, and shoulders. Although, they weren't called Slaughterfish because after their bite. It for what they did after. They'd start thrashing to tear flesh from their victim. Jack thrashed wildly as they tried get rip the flesh from his bones.

He couldn't use magic underwater without hurting himself or Mark. Besides, the stronger the spell, the more it would risk ending the spell for water breathing. He had to keep his concentration, or they'd drown. Blood started to mix with the water. Jack couldn't tell if the blood was his or theirs. Mark's hand squeezed his, but Jack couldn't even see him. All the Slaughterfish seemed to be targeting him. Mark began dragging him through the water as quickly as he could. Jack tried to help, but his body was starting to lock up as pain blurred his vision. It was becoming harder and harder to concentrate. Mark stabbed a few Slaughterfish, causing the swarm to retreat in caution. Jack huddled weakly against Mark; he could see now that the blood before was his. It was leaking from every bite along his body. Mark pulled him in front of him, pressing him up against a set of golden doors. The swarm rushed back but struck Mark's armor as he fended them off. Between stabbing the Slaughterfish, Mark tried to push the golden doors open.

Even with his wolfish strength... They weren't moving. The doors were sealed too well. Feeling his mind start to drift, he reached out to cover Mark's mouth as a gesture for him to hold his breath. Mark shot him a worried look, but Jack didn't care. He was getting Mark out of here. Covering Mark's eyes, he closed his own eyes and let Sam send out a blast of Sunlight. Sam vibrated his hand, then a blast pulsed out around them as Sam shined a bright white light throughout the water. The spell's pulse in the water was so strong that it blasted the golden doors behind them open. Water spilled into the drained chamber, trapping Jack and Mark in a whirlpool of chaos. The water rose in the chamber and Jack started sinking to the bottom as his body started to give into the weakness he felt. The spell for water breathing was gone. He just didn't have the strength to maintain it. Mark dived for him, wrapping his arms around him and launching himself off an underwater platform to take him up.

To Jack's surprise, Mark breached the surface with him. Holding Sean against his chest, he swam quickly toward the ramp leading up to the boilers. The room was only partly flooded and draining by the minute. The pipes in here were still working to keep the water level low. Jack coughed water with a relieved smile. The Slaughterfish were stunned, scrambling around in the water completely blinded. Mark reached the ramp, pulling him up out of the water. After pulling Jack a few feet from the water, Mark dropped to all fours and vomited water. He coughed loudly but looked ok. Jack reached out to touch Mark's bleeding arm, asking him a little worried. "Are you ok?" Mark spit more water, answering a bit gruffly. "Ya. Just waterlogged. Gods that water tastes like rotten fish..." Jack chuckled, then winced in pain. Placing a hand to his chest, he healed himself only enough to close his wounds. He was too weak to do much more. He'd have to wait to try again.

Mark scooted closer to him on all fours, leaning over him to ask him just as worried. "Jack? You still with me?" Jack opened his eyes, giving Mark a weak smile. Mark lowered his head down to touch his wet cheek to his. Touching Mark's arm, he told him in a strained voice. "I'm still here. Just... badly bruised. Everything hurts..." Mark kissed his cheek, his voice sounding worried and hurt as he uttered out. "I should have brought more healing potions with us... I'm so stupid... Just stay with me. I'll get us out of here." Jack shushed him, reaching up to touch his cheek. Mark's emotions where mixing with the wolf again. He could hear the soft whines breaking out between Mark's words. He was scared. Shushing him comfortingly, Jack whispered to him calmly. "I just need to rest a bit. Get my energy back enough to heal more." Mark sounded only slightly calmer as he asked him. "What can I do?" Jack stroked his thumb over Mark's cheekbone, whispering to his sweetly. "Just do what you do best. Watch over me."

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