Part 69

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Mark moved closer to Jack's side as they inched closer to them. The young woman was dressed in blue mage robes with the circular braided metal clasp on her right shoulder, indicating her Master rank. The young woman shifted from foot to foot, her tone becoming defensive as she told the tall Thalmor man before her. "I believe I made myself rather clear". The tall Thalmor man placed his fisted hands on his waist, retorting back with civil distaste. "Yes, Of course. I'm simply trying to understand the reasoning behind the decision". The young woman straightened up to cross her arms over her chest, stating out firmly. "You may be used to the Empire bowing to your every whim, but I'm afraid you'll find the Thalmor receive no special treatment from us. You are a guest of the college, here at the pleasure of the Arch-mage. I hope you appreciate the opportunity". 

The Thalmor man's bright yellow eyes flicked over to Jack for a moment, then went back to staring at the young woman as he dryly replied. "Yes, Of course. The Arch-mage has my thanks". The young woman gave the Thalmor man a brief nod, gesturing for him to move on as she told him a bit coldly. "Very good. Than we're done here". The Thalmor man brushed his long straight white hair off his shoulder, before storming off through the courtyard with a sour expression. Jack cautiously approached the young woman, asking curiously. "Are you Mirabelle Ervine"? Mirabelle looked him over quickly, then stated lightly. "I am. Can I help you"? Jack straightened up, proudly stating. "I'm Jack Mcloughlin. I was told to see you". Mirabelle pulled a book from the folds of her robes, flipping through a few pages and skimming the names.

Her finger stopped on his name and she looked up with a smile, telling him cheerfully. "The transfer student? Welcome to the college. I trust your journey was a safe one. I'm surprised how many new students there are lately. I will give you a brief tour when you are ready". Jack glanced to Mark who nodded and Mirabelle, closed her book to say excitedly. "Wonderful. Please follow me and don't wonder off". Mirabelle pointed to the large wooden doors behind them, stating aloud. "Behind you is the Hall of Elements. Inside, you will find the hall where your lessons will be taught as well as the Arcannaeum and Arch-mage quarters". Mark raised an eyebrow, asking confused. "The Arcannaeum"? Mirabelle blinked at him unsure what he was asking her. So, Jack answered with a small smirk. "The library". Mark nodded with understanding, mumbling out bluntly. "Why didn't you just say that"? Mirabelle shook her head to rid her mind of the interruption.

She turned on her heel then, saying swiftly. "Now if you will follow me, I will show you to your living quarters". She lead them back to the entrance pointing to a stone door on the left side of the gate, telling them simply. "Over there in that tower is the Hall of Countenance. That is where your professors stay". Mirabelle continued to walk over toward the door off to the entrances right, adding in warmly. "While here in this tower is the Hall of Attainment. Here, is where you will be staying. All of our newest members are housed here". Mirabelle stopped to open the door, telling them in a softer voice. "I'll ask that you please keep your voices down while inside. As students might be working on research... or delicate experiments". They followed her inside the tower and Jack took it all in. The tower was large and circular with rooms built around that same magical well that served as a vast light to every floor.

Jack could see a Khajiit student through his open bedroom door, working on a scroll over his bed. The scroll seemed to glow and crackle like lightening as he drew a symbol on it from another open book. As Jack watched, the Khajiit man's tail flicked suddenly unsettled and his eyes went wide before a spark shot up his quill. The Khajiit let out a yelp, dropping the quill and launching off the bed as the scroll caught fire. A young thin nord mage, dashed from his open room door to shot a mass of frost at the scroll, shouting out a bit terrified. "J'zargo! Where is your water bucket"! J'zargo waved dismissive hands at the mage, telling him in a thick Elsweyr accent. "J'zargo is fine! Look what you did to J'zargo's scrolls"! The mage lowered his hands, snapping back. "What 'I' did?! By the nine, are you trying to burn us to death you crazy Khajiit"! The mage let out a nervous chuckle and J'zargo joined him in it.

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