Part 88

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As Alduin flew closer to the throat of the world, the bodies of his kin rained down from the sky as the battle above them raged on. Hakon removed his war hammer, his voice sounding grim as he uttered out. "So be it." Their gazes followed Alduin as he circled above them for a short time. Taking them in with his bright red eyes, before he landed on the peek of the dragonstone. The ground shook under the heavy force of his weight, causing the three humans to stagger a little as they tried to stay on their feet. Even Jack felt the strong vibrations through the time rift. Alduin scanned the group, baring his teeth aggressively upon straightening up proudly to state aloud in a deep bellowing voice. "Meyye! Tahrodiis aanne! Him hinde pah liiv! Zu'u hin daan!" Gormlaith brandished her sword high in a challenging salute, yelling out over the roars of fighting dragons. "Let those that watch from Sovengarde envy us this day!" 

Alduin let out a vicious growl, curling his neck back and ascending up into the sky. As Alduin rose off the dragonstone, he belted out a shout into the sky that made the grey clouds darken to black. Balls of fire began to rain from the sky, striking dragon foes from the air and pelting the throat of the world in searing hot flames. Gormlaith, Hakon, and Felldir quickly formed up, shouting up at Alduin in unison. "JOOR ZAH FRUL!" The force of their shout burst forth, hitting Alduin square in the chest. Alduin's body lit up in a bright blue aura that seemed to surprise Alduin. Alduin's wings locked up, forcing him to land, or risk falling from the sky. Alduin dropped onto the ground reluctantly, thrashing his long black tail as he growled out at the group in horror. "Nivarhiin joorre! What have you done?! What twisted words have you created?! Tahrodiis Paarthurnax! My teeth to his neck!"

The three people spread themselves out to semi-surround Alduin at a distance. Alduin slammed his tail across the snow to see if Hakon would flinch. He didn't. Alduin turned his eyes on Gormlaith, pawing his claws deep into the snow as he growled through clenched teeth. "But first... Dir ko maar." Alduin's head jerked in Felldir's direction to sneer out heatedly. "You will die in terror, knowing your final fate..." Alduin's eyes scanned them closely in turn, his large nostrils sniffing the air. Jack could guess that Alduin was seeking out the one who smelled of fear. Wanting to test the courage of the weakest link in their party. Alduin's eyes locked on the wizard Felldir. A small menacing smirk pulling at the corners of his lips as he stated out coldly to Felldir. "To feed my power when I come for you in Sovengarde!" A deep chuckle left Alduin as Felldir's grip on his bound magical long sword flexed uneasily.

Gormlaith saw what Alduin was doing and moved forward as she roared out defiantly to him. "If I die today, it will not be in terror!" Alduin turned his head very slowly in Gormlaith's direction, His piercing red eyes glaring at her without a trace of mercy. Gormlaith let out a small chuckle then, belting out with glee. "You feel fear for the first time, Worm! I can see it in your eyes!" Alduin lost all his composure and lunged for her with his teeth bared. Gormlaith leapt into a roll to avoid Alduin's teeth, but was still knocked down as Alduin jerked his head to hit her with his massive head. She fell flat to the snow and Alduin opened his mouth to eat her. She rolled onto her back to brace her sword up, just as Hakon rushed in to whack Alduin's hind leg with his war hammer. Alduin's jaw snapped shut, his head jerking in his direction, before swiftly kicking Hakon away with the leg he struck.

Felldir took a deep breath, shouting out at Alduin. "FO KRAH DIIN!" The shout hit Alduin, covering him in a burst of thick frost, but it melted away as fast as it hit him. Alduin turned to lash out with his long tail, forcing Felldir to drop into the snow in order to avoid getting swatted with it. Gormlaith climbed to her feet, rushing in to slash at his thick scaly neck as she belted out loudly. "SKYRIM WILL BE FREE!" Jack couldn't believe Alduin's strength. Their weapons and magic were doing nothing to him. They weren't even scratching his scales. They were so thick! Alduin rose up, striking her back unexpectedly with his wing. Gormlaith fell into the snow stunned. Jack then watched in horror as Alduin curled his neck back like a snake and struck out at her. Snapping her up in his massive jaws. His teeth sank into her steel armor like it was soft flesh, crushing her instantly. Alduin thrashed his head, searing flames leaving his mouth as he broke her and cooked her to be sure that she was dead.

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