Part 138

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Jack gathered up his supplies, then swatted Nate's leg as he told him more seriously. "Nate, get up!" Nate grabbed a pillow on the bed and pressed it firmly over his head, muffling out in a groggy voice. "No... I'm good." Jack grabbed his legs and pulled him until his feet hit the floor. Nate groaned, but still didn't move. Kicking his foot lightly, he told him sternly. "I don't have time to waste! Get up!" From beneath the pillow, Nate grumbled out flatly. "What time is it...?" Jack rolled his eyes, going to a bucket full of water. Removing the bottles of wine from it, he hefted it up and ordered Nate dryly. "It's time for you to get up! NOW!" Nate removed the pillow, rolling his eyes as he said shortly. "That means it's too early..." Nate lifted his head to brush his bangs back, his eyes widening when he saw what he was holding. Nate sat up quickly, then lifted a finger, before then falling to his knees to throw up in the toilet bucket beside the bed. Jack set the wine bucket down beside Nate for him to use the water to clean himself up.

Nate washed his face, groaning with a wince as he uttered to him seriously. "Go. I'll catch up... after I'm done throwing up..." Jack sighed reluctantly, simply telling him. "Fine. I'll have the Jarl bring you something." Nate crawled across the floor to grab a wine bottle, answering casually. "Don't bother. I got this..." Jack stopped just before the door, asking him curiously. "What are you doing?" Nate bit the cork off the bottle, spitting it across the room before taking a swig. With another groan, Nate shook his head and told him after a hiccup. "Nurturing a hangover... What are you doing?" Jack rolled his eyes, rushing back to heal him with the strongest healing spell that he had. Within seconds his sickness was gone. Nate blinked confused, then hung his head to mumble out. "Damn it... There goes my buzz..." Jack patted his shoulder, loudly stating out. "You can thank me later! Now let's go!" Nate groaned, stiffly standing up with the bottle as he whined out. "Ugh... I hate morning people..."

Jack opened the door back up and raced out into the hallway. Behind him, Nate was dragging his bag and drinking from his opened bottle. Jack hoped Nate was going to be of more use than he was to him right now. The Jarl walked briskly beside him, regaling to him confidently. "My men know what to do. But I hope you know what you're doing... I'm putting my city in your hands." Jack adjusted his sword belt, honestly retorting to the Jarl. "Me too. I'm kind of winging this as I go." The Jarl flashed him a very nervous look, but Jack ignored it as he shoved his way into the large wooden doors across from the Jarl's war table. Beyond the doors was a grey stone hall and an open balcony. They were up so high up that he could see the plains of Whiterun in the distance. Walking across the massive enclosed hallway, he saw the men making final adjustments to the riggings in the rafters. Hanging from the rafters by large chains was a bronze metal pillory. The Jarl saw him looking and slowed down to explain lightly. "After you summon the beast, lure it in here and my men will wait for your signal. When it's in position, they'll drop that on it. It should keep the dragon restrained long enough to do what you have to."

Jack let out a deep sigh, seriously asking the Jarl. "It won't hurt him?" The Jarl gave a small shrug, mumbling out. "Well... It has to be dropped on him and it's quite heavy. So, it might hurt him a bit... but I don't believe it will be anything life threatening." Jack nodded, anxiously telling him. "Get everyone ready. I'm going to call him." Jack briskly continued on toward the rounded balcony. Reaching the stone railing, Jack looked up at the bright blue sky and set out a small prayer of hope. He needed this to go well. He couldn't afford to mess this up. Walking up beside him, Nate put the bottle of wine on the railing, telling him seriously. "Here. Calm your nerves a bit." Jack shook his head, but Nate leaned on the railing as he added out sarcastically. "Just a swig. I mean... It's not like you are summoning a dragon or anything." Jack chuckled, sliding the bottle back, upon telling him. "I can't. I have to stay focused... Or I'll lose him." Nate slid the bottle back, firmly stating out. "Drink it. Or you'll twist yourself in two. You're too tense. And animals get nervous around tense creatures."

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