Part 27

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The road to Riften was pretty smooth going.  Even though the journey normally took two days by road, Mark managed to get them there in a day and a half.  This was only due to the fact that they rode all day and only stopped for bathroom breaks and to water the horses.  Jack was exhausted by the time they reached Riften's gates.  Unlike Whiterun, this place looked haunted.  Everything looked like it was about ready to fall apart.  The wooden doors were old and rusted.  The stone wall was cracked and crumbling.  The two guards didn't even appear to care that they were even there.  They just sat slumped against the walls looking bored and in a fowl mood.  Mark dismounted, telling Jack seriously.  "Watch your pockets. Riften is home to the thieves guild".  Jack dismounted as one of the guards stated coldly back.  "I'd watch what you say around here. The thieves guild happen to run this place more than the Jarl".  Mark gave the guard a hard glare, before walking Tim into the shoddy stable. 

When Jack walked Argo over to stand beside Tim in the stables, Mark whispered to him.  "Just stick with me and don't say anything".  Jack nodded obediently.  He wasn't looking for any trouble.  This place clearly had enough problems.  Mark approached the gates as one of the guards lazily lowered a torch to block his way.  Mark locked eyes with the guard.  The guard tilted his head slightly to eye them both as he droned out bitterly.  "You want in. You're gonna have to pay an entrance fee. You and your friend".  Jack sighed and started to reach for his coin pouch, when Mark snatched his wrist to stop him.  Mark never looked at Jack once.  His eyes were locked on the guard's every movement as he replied sharply.  "Tell you what. You can have it. When you pry it from my cold dead fingers".  The guard stiffened up and the second guard climbed slowly to his feet.  Mark didn't seem to notice the second guard, but Jack was watching his hand start to reach for a dagger.

Jack placed a hand on Mark's arm in warning just as Mark growled out to the second guard.  "If you don't plan to use it, than I wouldn't draw it".  From the shadows of the stables, a burly old nord stepped out into the torchlight, telling guards casually.  "I told you if you kept harassing people that one would take up your challenge eventually. Better just let them through".  The guards reluctantly backed up to open the gate as the burly old nord told Mark simply.  "Don't judge them too harshly. The thieves guild has pretty much bled this place dry. Whatever you came for... best get it and high-tail it back where you came from. You'll find nothing but the poor and corrupted here".  Mark gave the man a simple nod and pulled Jack close as they entered.  Jack guessed that Riften might have once been a great fishing town.  Now it was just a rusted and grimly town that was as gloomy as the people leaning against its walls. 

Mark squeezed his hand comfortingly as he told him with a smirk.  "It looks better in the daytime, I promise. It's just dismal here because the guild is the most active at night".  Mark cautiously guided him across a bridge to a warm looking tavern called 'The Bee and Bard'.  The fires inside looked bright and welcoming compared to the gloomy darkness outside.  Even the people inside seemed to be in better spirits.  Jack followed Mark through the crowded tavern inn as people laughed amongst themselves and drank more ale around the small burning candles on their tables.  An Argonian woman behind a worn bar, grinned brightly at them as they approached.  Leaning against the bar, she told them happily.  "It sure is nice to see new faces. We don't get many travelers through here. What can I do for you"?  Mark smiled at the woman, answering.  "You got any rooms available"?  The woman's tired red eyes widened as she said happily.  "I do. You plan to stay a night"?

Jack drifted away from the conversation to look over the room.  In a corner another Argonian stood sweeping the floor, but watching them with sharp curious eyes.  He made Jack feel uneasy.  The next man that caught Jack's attention was a man in tan robes.  He was drifting from table to table and patting people on the shoulders with a warming grin.  Some bought a necklace from him.  While others just chatted with him.  He seemed like a friendly guy.  Mark draped an arm around his shoulder suddenly, whispering in his ear.  "Our room is upstairs. The second door on the right. Go on up".  Jack hesitated, turning to Mark as he nervously asked him.  "What? Aren't you coming with me"?  Mark smirked, gesturing to the man in the tan robes as he answered.  "I will, but I got to talk to him first".  Mark slipped Jack the key and strolled off toward the robed man.  Leaving Jack to mutter a bit sourly.  "Oh, just stick with me, Jack. I'll just leave you to find the room yourself".   

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