Part 97

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Jack shushed Mark as he hand drew closer to his big black nose. He hoped that some part of Mark was still in there somewhere. Just before his fingers touched his nose, Mark pulled his muzzle back through the bars. Deep growls left him as he paced the length of the cage with his hackles raised. Jack watched Mark's teeth drip heavily with thick saliva, his whole body tensing as he glanced between them. Lygrleid quickly went back to cutting up the chicken, while he told Jack uneasily. "Do you know if this is his first time?" Jack moved to sit back down on the crate but didn't take his eyes off Mark as he answered calmly. "Ya... We were attacked on the road just before coming here. This is his first time..." Lygrleid sighed beside him, then stated out gruffly. "You're going to get yourself killed if you assume that he knows you. Particularly at a time like this. The first call to the hunt is unpredictable." Jack turned his eyes on Lygrleid suspiciously, asking softly. "You seem to know a lot about werewolves... for being a Nord of the far north. Aren't werewolves rare up in these parts?"

Lygrleid stopped plucking feathers to lock hard eyes with him. Jack's hand discreetly moved off his leg to wrap around Green Glory's hilt. Lygrleid didn't notice as he suddenly snorted, telling him numbly. "I'm from Falkreath originally. Home of the wolves. I grew up with tales about werewolves and their master. I even knew a few people that were werewolves... before the Vigilant showed up." Jack released the hilt, shifting on the crate to look at him better as he asked him curiously. "What do you mean their master?" Lygrleid began plucking feathers again, telling him softly. "First off, you should know that all werewolves are born from a Daedric curse. The Daedric prince known as Hircine commands them like his own personal hunting dogs. He values werewolves that put the thrill of the hunt before their personal ties. It's rumored that if you see a large white stag walking among a cluster of werewolves to be respectful. For they are walking with Hircine to begin a hunt."

Lygrleid took a moment to sharpen a blade, before continuing casually. "Since Hircine is immortal, he delights in testing his werewolves by seeing their skills in a hunt to take him down. They say if a werewolf manages to kill his stag form that they are granted a great favor as a reward for fulfilling the hunt to his satisfaction. I was told that hardly any werewolves have succeeded in bringing him down. Which is why the first time a werewolf turns can be the most dangerous. They can hear him calling them to the hunt and they'll hunt down whatever he demands of them. Like an initiation into their new life and social order. The higher up on the kill list the prey is, the greater love Hircine has for them when they kill them." Jack glanced back at Mark with slight worry. Mark had warned him about deals with daedric lords... but did Mark know this about werewolves? Swallowing nervously, he questioned Lygrleid further. "Ok. So, if that is true... Then who would Hircine have Mark target on this ship?"

Lygrleid cut the chicken open with a hearty laugh, then retorted smugly. "That's easy. YOU. Who's a better kill than a dragonborn? The ultimate fighter and defender. You pose an honorable fight. Which is why I told you to stay the fuck away from the cage. He could be using your feelings for him to lore you in and then turn on you. I've seen it before." Jack studied the way Mark was pacing and watching them both closely with those guarded yellow eyes. Mark wouldn't hurt him... Would he? Taking a deep breath, Jack cleared his throat, asking curiously. "You mentioned the Vigilant before. Who are they?" Lygrleid pried the heart of the chicken out, answering calmly. "They are daedric hunters. They dedicate their lives to facing the threat of daedra wherever they appear. The Vigilant of Stendarr hunt down anyone that consorts with daedra. Werewolves, Vampires, anything unnatural they hunt down and purify in order to save their soul. They have even developed a cure for it."

Jack perked up, his excitement showing on his face. Lygrleid eyed Jack with a sudden strange look like he was waiting for him to say something. He tossed the chicken heart carelessly into the cage and Mark attacked it. Wolfing it down without chewing it. It was certainly no meal for him. More like a snack. Bringing his focus back to Lygrleid, he uttered out cautiously. "You said you knew people that 'were' werewolves. Does that mean..." Lygrleid slowly straightened himself up. His body language changing to one of proud confidence as he answered bluntly. "You'll find the Vigilant are everywhere and we know everything. We are gifted by the light to see the touch of a daedra on a person's soul... and I see that your own soul is marked by the darkness. Hermaeus Mora. Following in the footsteps of Miraak, are we?" Jack slowly rose to his feet, numbly muttering out. "The Captain never sent you down here, did he." Lygrleid shook his head very slowly. Then with his foot, Lygrleid swept straw off a blade and stomped on the handle. The sword flipped up off the ground and Lygrleid caught it like a professional at arms training.

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