Part 17

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Argo lurched violently to the side to avoid Tim, throwing Jack from the saddle to the ground!  Mark did his best to pull back on the reins as much as he could until Tim's head was practically pulled back between his legs!  It did nothing to deter Tim from Argo.  With teeth bared, Tim stormed after Argo aggressively.  Jack ignored the pain in his shoulder as he quickly raised his hand to throw out his spell at Tim!  The bright green ball of light shot from Jack's palm and into Tim's right flank!  Instantly, Tim came to a sudden stop.  His fur glowing with a green aura.  Mark relaxed a bit in the saddle, before turning to ask him in a trembling voice.  "Jack, are you alright"?!  Jack pushed himself up, brushing off the dirt as he answered stiffly.  "Ya... My shoulder just landed on a rock. I'll be alright".  Mark sighed with relief, then began to pet his horse like he expected the green aura to rub off.  Rubbing his shoulder, Jack walked up to Mark and Tim, adding with a chuckle.  "Don't worry. It's not permanent. It's just a simple calming spell".  Mark shifted in the saddle to watch him touch Tim's favored leg.  Casting another spell, Jack healed Tim's foot. 

Mark chuckled asking down to him.  "Do you think that will make him behave"?  Finishing up, Jack straightened back up answering honestly.  "No. But I think it will help".  As Jack started to pass by them to walk toward Argo, Mark dismounted.  Jack stopped to watch Mark walk around to him.  Touching his shoulder gently while asking softly.  "You sure you're alright"?  Jack flexed his arm as Mark messaged his shoulder, replying confidently.  "I'm sure. It's just bruised. We should keep going".  Mark stopped messaging his shoulder, but his hands stayed to comfort him.  Jack had to reluctantly push Mark's hands off or they'd be there all day.  He loved that Mark worried about him so much, but he wanted to get this mission done.  Mark ruffled his hair as he headed toward Argo, telling him playfully.  "Fine. We'll go".  When Argo saw him coming, he slowly walked closer for him to mount back up.  Mark rode passed him to take the lead as he casually told him.  "Follow me. Bleak Falls Burrow is up this way". 

Jack followed along behind Mark up a dirt trail.  The higher up the trail they went the more they began to see snow.  Shivering a bit against the cold, Jack asked Mark.  "Do you believe that Bleak Falls Burrow is haunted"?  Mark kept his eyes on the road ahead, answering simply.  "I don't know. I've never gone up there. I've heard tales about Draugr being up there... but I always figured it was just ghost stories to scare kids away from the burial tombs".  Jack encouraged Argo to walk up beside Tim, before he asked Mark curiously.  "Mark, what exactly is a Draugr"?  Mark chuckled a little, giving Jack a smile.  Then when Mark turned his gaze back on the road, he answered lightly.  "I forget that you haven't heard the tales. Draugr are restless spirits of ancient nords from the time of the great war with dragons. They were said to have been cursed because they chose to fight alongside with the dragons who enslaved mankind. When the Dragons fell, they fell. It's said that they haunt the old burial tombs. Forever cursed to guard some ancient knowledge about dragons. I don't really know more than that". 

Jack curiously asked Mark then.  "So, these Draugr are nothing more than cursed mortal men? Like skeletons or ghosts"?  Mark lifted his hand to give him a so-so gesture, telling him a bit tentatively.  "No. Not all of them. See according to the stories, there were these ten priests. They worshipped the dragons like gods. Their devote faith to them was rewarded with these special masks of power. To which they used to convert people to the cause or faith... by force or otherwise. Which gave them an army to help them protect and serve their gods better. I was told that the special warriors that proved their faith beyond any doubt got granted a special gift. A power that practically made them invincible in battle. Some claim it was a weapon. Some say it was a magic word. Others say it was command over a unit of warriors. It's unclear. However, everyone in Skyrim agrees that most of those that turned to the Dragons side... were Mages".  Jack watched Mark bite his lip and turn away.  It was clear that Mark hated saying that... but he was only stating the truth.

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